Chapter 94

343 24 1

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~



Tsuna POV

Staring at my future self, I inwardly sighs.
'So, even if I chose to that option, things would only get worser...'

I thought that I might dwell over it, but it seems like I didn't. Perhaps because I had seen it incoming?

'Well, in that case, maybe I should just drop all of my worries and enjoy my time?' I thought. But before i actually do something, i hear him chuckling. Which cause me to shot him a confused look.

"That look in your eyes... I know it everywhere..." he said, smiling as he reader his tears.

"W-What?" I stuttered in embarassment.

"You were pitying me, right?" -bulleyes.

"-well, don't be... Because if there's something that I could smiled off, was you..." he said as I raised a brow.

"-because I know that this little chat of us will change your- I mean our, entire life..." he trailed as he smiled geuniely.

"But if I did, then you will-"

"It's okay..." he cut my words, "I'll go better with that, than this cursed life I lived now.

And I know that you're thinking the same thing. Do not deny it..."

"Well, you know how I am..."  I shruged as I offered a simple smile.

"Of course..." he chuckled, "after all, we are one..."



Toshi POV

I don't quite remember on how we get stuck in this situation, but-

SFX: *boom* *boom* *boom* *DAAR*

-we are under attack...

But we weren't being attacked by just someone. It was one of the keeper who attacked us. To be precise, it's the mist keeper.

He just randomly appeared at the school and began to attack us mercilessly.

None of us were expecting this to happen, especially when just not so long ago, Ryohei-Senpai told us that the keepers of his and Hibari-san's elements were the one who appeared.

Luckily, all of the guardians were ready for anything.

Still, I'm worried about the girls who are trapped within the keeper's illusion prison. But it wasn't just them who were being hostaged. We, the guardians are trapped in different illusional places as well.

'And in this kind of situation, both Ryohei-sempai and Hibari-San weren't here!' I clicked my tongue.

Yes, the two weren't here with us.

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