Chapter 70

460 39 3

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Normal POV

#with the children...




"You're such a disgrace! a Nuisance!" Kuro said as he cornered Akira, the poor boy cowering beneath him.  "-all you ever do is stumble around and stutter!"

"-Honestly, what does Papa see in you?" Natsu sighed in annoy.

"...pathetic..." Shiro silently added before he turned his back and sat somewhere further.

"P-Papa... He l-loves me..." Akira said in shutter, both eyes teared up already.

"Eh~ So true, do you put up this shy act just so that Papa will treat you nicely?" Cielo said as he joined his brothers in tormenting poor little Akira.

"N-No! you're wrong!" the little boy stuttered out. "P-Pa-Papa loves us all, e-equally"

"Oh Really?" Cielo questioned sarcastically as he fixed his crooked glasses.

"Indeed, He loves us all. But he loves you the most" Kuro said, narrowing his eyes. 

"-now that doesn't sound  to be fair, isn't it?" Natsu finished.

With that two of the three grabbed one of Akira's arms each and held him tightly to the wall as they threw more insults to him not knowing the fact that one of their uncle was just right behind the door, listening to their every words.

It was when Kuro was about to punch Akira, Toshi decided to enter and interupt them.

He use his own body to shield Akira from the hit, but... it never came...

"Eh?" he said dumbfoundly as he saw the four brunets had left their place and instead they're somehow scattered around the bed room. With Kuro and Natsu are busy discussing a manga they found, Cielo is lazying around on the bed, while Shiro sat near the window doing nothing.

'W-What the-???'

"Ah uncle Shi-Shi! you're back~!" Kuro cripped as he tossed the manga aside, which Natsu whined over it.

"ne, ne! is the food ready, uncle?" Cielo asked jumping up and down in excitement.

"I'm hungry..." Shiro added, also nearing Toshi who still stood up like a fool.

Well, he feel like one, or at least he felt like halucinating...

'was that really happen? that quarrel just now?'  he questioned himself. The only evidence he had to support his argument is the fact that Tsu- I mean, Akira is still behind him, sat on the floor like a broken doll.

'and that's not all...' Toshi thought as he turned to the only girl in the group who has this odd smile in her face... It's sweet, but something seems off from that smile... 'I wonder what...?'

"Ano, Uncle Shi-Shi? can we eat now?" Natsu asked, then as cue a symphony of tummy rumblings can be heard. and Toshi can't help but chuckle at their syncronized flustered faces.

"Hai... Hai... I get it... Jaa, should we get down then? I'm sure Tsuki had cooked something..." The loud two cheered while the rest just smiled slimly.

They then went to the dining room with Toshi stuck with his ow train of thoughts. He missed the look that each of the children had...




It has been 3 hours since Reborn called for the guardians (plus Mukuro) then along with the other arcobaleno (minus Verde.) trained them all. And for that three hours also the guardians had been wondering...

'what's with this sudden training call? Heck even Mammon is here!'

at last, Yamamoto asked Reborn about it, "ano... kozo? Could you please tell us your reason behind this? surely this has something deeper as meaning. I mean, since Toshi isn't here..."

"Yeah, Reborn-san... does this has something to do with sky arcobaleno trial?" Gokudera added as he dodged a shot from Lal.

Reborn smirked, "actually, it is..."

"Our sky asked us to keep you busy, kora!" Collonello added as he sent some more bullets to the guardians.

"yare yare, if it isn't for that person, why else I would do this knowing I won't get paid?" Mammon said as she cast more illusions to annoys the guardians.

"Kufufu~ then maybe you shouldn't be here, baby..." Mukuro said as he swung his trident at Her.

"Waa! Waa! Waa! C-Cotto Matte!" Skull who was unfortunate to got caught in between their fight, yet know nothing what
to do, wailed

"why can't we help Toshi to the EXTREME?!?" Ryohei asked before he got kicked by Lal.

"Because he needs to learn on how to stand up for himself..."

The arcobaleno stopped attacking and now everyone is staring at a beautiful maiden in orange cloack.

She smiled warmly at them before then introduced herself...

"Hajimimashite... My name is Shiyo Natsu. And I'm the sky arcobaleno..."


Henko POV

He just awakens from his sleep yet I can see sweats rolling down his pale face as I can sense that his breathing is uneven.

{another nightmare Tsuna?} I asked carefully. He warped his arms to hug his own knees as he nodded.

"I saw corpses everywhere.... corpse of everyone! Bloodied and destroyed. it's scary, Henko. I'm scared..." he muffled his answers as I can see him trembling hardly.

{Oi Oi! Calm down Tsuna! That's only a nightmare. You're safe now} I told him in encouragement and it seemed that I got him for he slowly compose himself.

"Y-You are right... it was only a dream." He said. "-I just got paranoid over it, didn't I?" However I didn't reply him. I only stared at him with a faint smile.

{come on Tsuna, you better lie down and have some more sleep now. Or else you won't over come your fever until later. And you wouldn't want that, would you?} I told him. He nodded softly before then obliged. Closing his eyes as he wrapped himself his blanket.

I hum him some melodies to help him to get relax and fast asleep. fortunately he did. I think his fatigue finally gets the best of him as I can hear his faint snore.

Once I think he's deep enough, I began to think myself. 'I hope everyone is doing well out there... and I hope that sending her as his subtitle would be a right thing to do...' I thought as I smiled fondly at the faux sky above me...





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