Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language "
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
#with the arcobaleno and guardians
Normal POV
Right after the blunt introduction, all of the sudden Mukuro bursts in laughter.
"Kufufufu~ the sky arcobaleno you said? Don't make me laugh" Mukuro sneered. "Even the puppy can sense your mist flame, girl you're amateur..." he said pointing at Gokudera who's ready to blown his pineapple head into pieces if only Yamamoto and Ryohei didn't hold him down.
All the while, 'shiyo' began to sweated slightly at the attention she received. Not to mention the drop of temperature and the cold glare from the arcobaleno.
"Just put the facade down and we promise not to attract you" Fon said, smiling. He feels pity for the girl, however pretending to be his lovely sky is an unforgivable violation. He too despite only know his real sky for less than a week, could tell how much the difference between her and this fake.
'Shiyo' feeling threatened, accidentally dropped her illusion. Revealing who she really is. Which makes the guardians (sans Hibari -mukuro is not a guardian, in case someone forgot-) to gasped.
"Y-Yakemi-chan? Why are you here?" Chrome braced herself to asked.
Yakemi chuckled sheepishly as she timidly answered, "I... I uh... the thing is... eum, how to say this.... w-well, I was planning to watch you from bushes, but Sora forbid me?"
"He~? So Sora is here too?" Yamamoto asked. That is when they hear some rustle from the bushes.
"Tch, and I thought that it was a great idea. Well, it seemed like your flame is not strong enough, Yacchan. We still need some practice with Riki and Riku then-... oh and hello everyone" The said blonde said casually as she walked out of her hiding spot, nearing the crowds.
(A/N : yeah, Sora and co. has been training with the devil-angel twins ever since They knew the truth about Tsuna and also Sora who's part of mafia. It was a day after Tsuna's disappearance. So far Yakemi is the only one who can lit her flames without bursting out. She has mist flames, while Kaichi is rain and so does Mizuki)
"T-Teme... just what the f**k are you doing here?! Can't you see that we're in the middle of something important here?!" Gokudera exploded with many tick marks.
Yakemi backed down at the auburst while Sora just simply raised her eyes. maybe because she also has storm flame flows in her that she can cope up with his temper.
"You're asking our reason? Well, it's simple. We're here to do a favor for Shiyo-chan." Sora answered, "she is happen to be busy at the moment, therefore she asked us to see you guys in her shoes. I just think that it will be less boring if Yacchan gets to tricked you with what we've been practicing these past few days about flames. But as you can see she failed..." she said snickering at her fried who hides behind her, pouting.
"Wait... Shiyo... was that the sky arcobaleno's name? Jaya...does that mean you know her?" Yamamoto said.
"Er... actually..."
"-no... we know her from his blond friend. I'm sure he said that his name were Henko or something..." Sora cut her friend's words. Gaining suspicious look from Gokudera.
"Whoa! You met Henko? That's EXTREME!!!" Ryohei commented, fist pumping to the sky.
"Gyahahaha! That's the nice onii -chan who looks like Tsuna-nii !" Lambo exclaimed as he jumped around.
Meanwhile the two carnivores narrowed their eyes at the mention of his name. "Oya? If I'm not mistaken, he's the guy who went missing all of the sudden after that incident right?" Mukuro said. While Hibari hn-ed correcting.
'What's Henko's connection to all of this?' Most of the guardians plus Mukuro thought.
But before they got to think of the answer, Sora said again...
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, she said. We're actually here to deliver her message too..."
"Spill it herbivore..." Hibari said.
"She said that you guys *staring at arcobaleno* may stopped now..." Yakemi said. Reborn nodded representing them.
"And instead, you may proceed to the next step... ehm... 'six skies under one true sky are torturing the two time keepers with their pasts. The elements are not qualified to help if the air is cold. But soon the air is getting hot and you may act before the world got painted blood...' " Sora added.
"A-A riddle?" Chrome stuttered.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Gokudera asked, rather rudely.
"Try to guess, kora!" Collonello said in Sora's stead.
"Muu~ this riddle is part of the test afterall" Mammon added.
"And if you fail, then for sure you're not qualified as the guardians of the tenth generation..." Lal warned, also securing her guns on her back.
"Ooooh~! That's bad!" Skull taunted. But for once no one reacted for that.
"Now let's see just how strong your will is..." Reborn said, tapping his fedora down before then turning around and leave the guardians with his fellow arcobaleno...
#Sawada residence
SFX : *Ding Dong*
"I'll get it!"
SFX : *rushed steps* *cklick* *creeaks*

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanficSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...