Chapter 21

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Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


"Tsuna speak to Henko"

"Henko speak to Tsuna"


Normal POV

Everyone is dumbfounded...

 one second feels like hours and this long silence is getting the awkwardness thicker... and thicker...  

until Reborn decided to speak, "well then Cielo, my name is Reborn. I'm the number one hitman..." He said with a narrowed eyes. Cielo pay no mind on this though.

"it's nice to meet you Reborn..." Cielo smiled as he was about to shook Reborn's hand. but then he spotted the yellow pacifier that dangling over Reborn's neck. it's making him hesitating and retreating his hand.

Reborn raised his brow at the action, "what's the matter, Cielo-san? you look kindda pale?" He asked narrowing his eyes much further. And now everyone can see Cielo's nervousness.

"Nothing!" He squeaked albit too fast, he then chuckling nervously, "nothing really... I euh... I just remember that I should go now. I didn't get to tell my friends that I left and I don't want them to worry. so... yeah... It's nice to meet you all!" He said then  hurriedly turning around to leave. but Riku's hand had catched him first. "Wait!" She said...

all of sudden Reborn's pacifier glowing brightly. Seeing this Cielo internally gulped, 'Didn't I chained mine?!' he panicked.

"well, looks like he's here..." Reborn simply said. 

Soon enough they can hear someone from above. "looks like everyone's here, Kora!" It was none other than Collonello!

"glad you can make it kora-idiot" Reborn sneered.

"I wouldn't missed any call who has tears like that, now would I, crybaby, kora?" Collonello shot back as he landed right in front of Reborn.

They then glared at each other and started to banging their head at each other. That is until Cielo talked, "ano... blonde-san... you look familiar..." he said with a confused frown, "do we ever met somewhere before?" 

Collonello who didn't pay attention to the boy before now is facing him with a shocked face, "So they've founded you Kuro Cielo, Kora!" 

Cielo blinked before he corrected, "I'm Cielo alright, but there's no Kuro on my name... Just Cielo... but anyway, since you know my name then we've actually met right?" Cielo asked, while tilting his head slightly to the right.

"of course! you're the one who lead us in war half of year ago! how could I ever forget, Kora? and what do you mean by just Cielo without Kuro, Kora?" 

Cielo seems dumbfounded, "a war? excuse me???" He said, then realazation hits him, "*sigh* please dn't tell me that you're mistaken me with another person like these guys?  by any chance, is this person that you're talking about namely, Tsuna?"

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