Chapter 91

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Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Normal POV

After doing some more thinking, especially to Toshi's words, Yamamoto finally got over his dilemma as he find a new stronger resolve to protect what is dear to him. And so, when he came to Namimori shrine that evening, his friends finally got to see him smiling whole heartedly again.

"Heh, about time you show up..." Gokudera snorted.

"Ahaha, well, oyaji asked me to help him a bit. At least I'm not late right?" Yamamoto replied.

"It's good to see you here, captain..." Toshi snickered

"Thanks..." Yamamoto grinned. "But anyway, I think you should stop calling me that way, Toshi. I mean, you are the boss here..."

"Meh, the boss or not. I'm still part of Namimori-chuu's baseball team. And you are my captain..." Toshi said, before then smirking, "well, at least 'till we gratuated or I'm getting better than you..."

"Whoa!! An EXTREME challenge!" Ryohei said excitedly while Yamamoto laughed.

"Well, enough of that..." Reborn said, as he make his presence known along with Fon and Colonello.

"I think you guys should pay more attention now, kora!" Said the blond arcobaleno.

"You're right..." Toshi agreed as he nod to Yamamoto who nods back in return.

"Ah, speaking of which. Here he comes..." Fon said, and just then a burst of rain flames erupted, forming a figure of that navy cloacked guy.

"So, Yamamoto Takeshi..." he called.


"Are you ready for the test?"

Yamamoto grinned as he took out his weapons as well calling both Jiro and Kojiro, "I'm ready..."

That cloaked guy can be seen smiling, "alright then..." he said as he took out four swords of Vongola first rain guardian, Ugetsu Asari.

"A real fight? Fine then..." Yamamoto said with his narrowed eyes as he charged in.

If only that guy wasn't wearing a hood, then Yamamoto would see the confusion on his face. But since he did, Yamamoto didn't saw that raw expression. And so he just continue on attacking.

The keeper, of course, won't let himself bring defeated just like that, and so he encounters and attacked back.

Meanwhile, Toshi who saw this is gritting his teeth in nervous.

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