Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
Normal POV
~early morning~
"are you guys ready?" a brunet who's asked the 4 years old children on his sides.
"I-I'm not sure... d-do we have to do this?" The boy with brown doe eyes asked back.
"come on, Tsu- I mean... Akira-kun... It won't be that bad, I promise~!" The one who seems to be the most energetic one said.
'Akira' pouted at the call of his faux name, "why am I the only one who have to change my name?"
The boy who has darker shades of brown as his hair replied, "Because your name is too similar with Papa's and we can't have that"
The brunet that they clinged on, chuckled sheepishly, "maa... it's still weird to hear you call me that way..."
"but we can't have it any other way, now can we?" The one with glasses said.
"You are our Papa~!" The only brunette in the group sang. All the while the last boy who's wearing a hoodie just stayed silent for the whole conversation.
{Remember, you're the one who planned this so do not complaint...} that blond is currently surpressing his laugh at this whole scenario they came up.
"I know..." the brunet sighed, "well, I can't think on any other way for the trial. So we just have to go through this idea..."
"but anyway, do you think you'll be okay once we left you.... Papa?" that dark shade brunet asked.
the said Papa just smiled at 'his' bambino. "maa, I'll be fine." he replied "I'll make sure get my self some good rest after I drop you off..."
"if you say so..." the boy murmured.
Not so long then, they finally arrived at their destination...
SFX : *Ding Dong*
"Coming~!" two voices raised up as sound of rushed steps followed after. and the next second, the door got opened by two identical people.
"Ah Tsuna-nii! Good morning and Welcome~!" one of them said.
The brunet, now identified as Tsuna smiled, "Good morning to you too, Toshi, and Tsuki..." He smiled slimly.
Tsuna has called the twins before, telling them that he'll come by to ask them a request. However he didn't mention on what it was.
"Oho~ looks like I find out your problem Tsuna-nii, It must be these midgets right?" Toshi grinned amusedly as he guessed so.
"These midgets have names...." surprisingly it was the silent hoodie who answered.
Tsuna, putting up his mask, sighed again. "no need to be sarcastic, Shiro... He didn't mean it." Shiro just snorted lightly in reply.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...