Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
Normal POV
Just as soon the three- I mean, two guardians and a pineapple join the fight, things are getting more easy.
With Mukuro who keeps on dispelling every and each illusions from the keeper, Hibari who attacks the keeper mercilessly while also protecting the rest of family in distant, and Ryohei who helped the injured ones.
They are now in advantage, and Toshi won't let that change slip. And so he readied himself to shot another X-Burner with much more confidence, knowing that his attack won't miss like the last one. Mukuro and Hibari will make sure of that...
Therefore, without further ado, he shot the attack...
-and with that one final blast, the Vongola team finally received the victory...
Toshi POV
After the whole effort we did, we finally successful on defeating the mist keeper.
And now, not just him, but the other two, the sun and cloud keeper are here too.
"Well done... Sasagawa Ryohei, you managed to fulfill your duty as the sun by supporting your family in this battle..." the sun keeper said bubbly. His way to speak reminds me a lot to that Kuro boy, and remembering that so far, the keepers were indeed Tsuna-nii's children, I could take a conclusion that he is indeed Kuro.
"And Hibari Kyoya... you protect your family despite of your aloofness. And therefore you have fullfilled your duty..." the cloud keeper said with her feminine voice. Now, I could already guess that the keeper of the cloud is Shiyo-chan...
'Well then, that means the only one left is Shiro... the mist?' I'm guessing.
But anyhow, Ryohei-sempai and Hibari-San had received their inheritance seals. And now it supposed to be Chrome's turn...
However, the keeper then said something unexpected...
"As for me... someone has indeed succeeded my test. But unfortunately, it wasn't you, Dokuro Chrome..."
"What??" I spontaneously shouted along with Gokudera and Yamamoto.
Chrome looked as shocked as the rest of us, or even worse. She paled...
"T-Then who was it?" I asked.
But instead of just telling us, the keeper released the seal as it went to the one it deemed worthy.
Which the person is...
"M-Mukuro-sama?" Chrome startled as the seal floats next to the said teen."Teme! What's the meaning of this! That pineapple was not even a guardian!" Gokudera shouted.
"Well that is for me to know, and for you to find out... but for the meantime, that seal is his and only with his permission you can use it " Shiro said mysteriously before then, along with Kuro and Shiyo, he disappeared within his flames.
And now, all eyes turned to the indigonet...
"Oya? That look in your eyes... you're not planning on targeting me next, will you?" Mukuro said with his usual smirk but also with a sharp narrowed eyes.
I saw Hibari-San and Gokudera were ready for the task. But before they acted recklessly, I have made my move.
I walked closer to Mukuro, attempting on a negotiation.
"So... Mukuro. You see... we're kind of needing that seal badly. And I believe that you've seen it yourself from that last battle, just how desperate we were? so, if you please, could you hand it over?" I asked nicely yet he just raised a brow.
"Why should I? If I give it to you, then it'll be my lost. I win over nothing..." he stated as he played the seal between his fingers like somekind of coin. He threw it up high before then catches it again...
"-I won't give it for free, but maybe some exchanges will do..." he said. But this time he shot a serious look, and not his usual mischief smirk.
"W-Well then, is there anything specific that you wanted? We'll try to grant it for you..." I said, smiling nervously.
"Anything?" He asked.
"Anything..." I echoed, while hoping that it won't be anything like taking over my body or taking over Vongola, or even worse taking over the world!
"Kufufu... ease your mind, Toshiki. I have no intention of asking any of those in your mind. Although, the first option was so attempting. I could already imagine what to do if you do grant me that one..." he said and I instantly paled...
He laughed creepily again before he continues, "you are so amusing. But not to worry. I don't go with boys..." he said, "instead, I wanted you to hand over me a girl..."
'A girl?' I think for a while, "was it Yakemi-chan?" I guessed, for I can't think any other person, moreless a girl who would actually attract the teen's attention.
But he shooked his head, "nope, it's not her..."
"Then who?"
He turned around, walked closer, and finally embraced her in one arm before then stating that... "I want my sister Nagi to quit from being your guardian..."
"Whaaaat?!?" We shouted in sync.
"Y-You can't do that!" I exclaimed.
"You were offering me the most dangerous option of taking over the world. then why can't I ask something that was originally mine?" He said.
"C-Can't you asked for anything else? Perhaps money?" I bargained.
"Tsunayoshi has granted my every wish... yet, you took my dearest afterwards... so no, aside from that, I have no other request..." he narrowed his eyes as well leaking his KI towards me.
"And besides... weren't you say that you're desperately needing this thing? So why biting your tongue now?" He taunted...
And now I'm dealing with my own dilemma...
The seal... or my mist guardian?~TBC~

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...