Chapter 66

490 35 7

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Tsuna POV

I sweatdropped...

It was only some minutes- no, seconds since the trial started, yet Reborn has beaten Toshi and everyone. Even Kyoya!

{Looks like he's not planning on holding back huh?} Kuro commented in amusement.

{it's not like what they're facing in the future is any better...} Shiro said.

{to be honest, I don't think Reborn have used even his half strenght...} Cielo added.

{True...} Natsu nodded.

{d-does that mean, Toshi and t-the others are weak?} Tsuna asked.

{Not quite right...} I replied him, {That only means, they need to train even harder to catch up. afterall, life IS hard...}

{life is b***h} Henko commented.

{please mind your language, Henko-san} Shiyo warned but Henko just shrugged as he said, {it's not like I'm lying. and we all know that...}

I sighed, "well, I just hope they'll be just fine..."

"-well, obviously, they won't" a voice came from my back. It has sucessfully making me jump.

"Ushishishi... looks like we caught him off guard..."

my eyes slightly widened in shock as I saw-

'V-Vi-nee? Bel-nii? what are they doing here???' I questioned as I blamed myself for not sensing them coming.

Anyhow, there's something more important to be think of..

{should I put on my facade again or not?} I asked my other personalities and Henko.

And their answers are...

Yes by Shiro, Tsuna, and Henko. While No by Shiyo, Natsu, Kuro, and Cielo.

From the votes I shouldn't continue and just face them straightforward. and in a way, I agreed with them. I won't just drop it all together now, though. I'll do it once my trial is over, which is tomorrow. But for now, I guess revealing my trueself a bit won't hurt.

And so, I sighed as I then said, "Geez, Vi-nee, Bel-nii, you surprised me..."

Bel-nii raised his brow with look of amusement on his face, "so you do recognized us~?"

I rolled my eyes before then smiled, "Why bother? Vi-nee has seen through my mask afterall. and I'm sure she told you about that"

"Ushishishi, likewise, you're right." Bel-nii said.

I smiled warmly before then turned to Vi-nee who stay silent 'till this second, "eum... Vi-nee? daijobu?" I asked in concern.

I can somehow sense that she's... mad?

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