Chapter 111

379 28 11

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Tsuna POV

I'm totally worn out...

-But even so, I still walked closer to where the three skies gathered and congratulate them, in which they then grinned and smiled to me. I'm so happy that everyone finally get along before I take the extreme way.

Yes, I'm happy...

Demo... what's with this bugging feeling in my heart? Why my HI rings?

Something bad is going to happen... but what is?

-It didn't take too long before my instinct took over my body as I jumped forward, just right in time to take a bullet to myself before it hits Byakuran who's right in front of me.

My eyes widened, painting my sight with red as I feel pain over my right shoulder.

Shockness could be seen on everyone faces, in which I'm sure I have the same expression on my own face.

"T-Tsuna-nii!!!" I could faintly hear Yuni's panic shriek.

'seriously... what is it now?' I thought before then the darkness engulf me...


Toshi POV

"EVERYONE, STAY ALERT! SOMEONE'S HERE!" Said Gamma-san as everyone's gathering around. Forming a circle to deflect all of the bullets that suddenly raining us from all directions. All the while we, the skies' bearer, gathered around Tsuna-nii, trying our best to stop his bleeding.

"This is not good... he's losing so much blood..." Said Byakuran as he keeps on pressing the injury. But it didn't seem to do much if not at all. "This Baka... can't he be selfish for once? And F***! WHY CAN'T MY FLAMES IGNITE???" He raged to himself. But of course it's not his fault that Tsuna-nii's white flame still has its effect over us.

Still though, it's frustrating. "We've got to do something, or else... Tsuna-nii will... " I trailed while clenching my fists.

"No... don't say that. Tsuna-nii will live... We'll save him" Yuni-san said but she's sobbing in desperate while saying that.

I, too was in distress, but since we're in the middle of an ambush, with no flames to our aid and exhaustment which clearly starting to get us, you can say that we're at pitch.

We need a miracle to survive...

And just then, it actually came...

"To... shi..." I heard soft mutter came out from his shaking mouth. Hurriedly I come to his side, squeezing his hands, which I later noticed just how cold it is... in which that's not a good sign.

"Tsuna-nii... Please, stay with us... we'll get you out of here as fast, so please hang on..." I said.

But since it's Tsuna-nii, I'm not that surprised to see him smiling as he called me again, "Toshi... calm down..." He said barely in whisper, "I won't die... Not here... Demo ne... I'm too tired to be the hero. So could you do it instead?" he asked.

I was confused, but of course I won't say no. And it looks like he's got my answer even before I voice it out. The light on his eyes says it.

He later touched my forehead as he whispered, "Use it wisely..."

Just then I felt a shock went throught the spot as my whole body feel re-energized. 'It's warm...' Just like a mother's hug...

Right after that one blissful moment, I could see his hand fall limp as Tsuna-nii went uncouncious once again.

"Tsu-chan!/Tsuna-nii!" Both Byakuran and Yuni-san shouted. All the while I just stayed silent as I can feel something warm from the spot he just touched...

Without me knowing, I've once again entered HDWM... But instead of my sky flame, it was...

"Toshi... That flame..." Yuni-san gasped.

"Tsu-chan's flame..." Byakuran said.

I was as surprised, but when I saw my gloved hands, yes... These beautiful silver flame is no one's but his...

This overpowered power that flowing in my veins...

'Tsuna-nii...' I stared at his paper-pale face as I remember his saying...

"-Could you do it instead?"

I give a nod as I make up my mind... "Don't worry, Tsuna-nii... I'll protect everyone, just as you wished..."

I glanced at my fellow skies and they nodded understand, "saa, Yuni-san, Byakuran, I'll leave him in your care for now..."

"Hmm... Give them a good beating Toshi..." Byakuran said darkly.

"But please be save..." Yuni-san added.

And I nodded to answer the two before then I blast off for some huntings...

These people... whoever they are, I'll make sure that they pay for what their sin...




'Just wait... I'll make you regret 'till you wished you go straight to deepest hell instead...'





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