Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
Normal POV
Tsuna is left in confusion...
These people, well... ghosts, in front of him are his late families. They're real, as real as his HI told him.
But why?
why didn't he cry as he expected?
he didn't feel any happiness, nor sadness... Not even anger!
It feels hollow... and he can't stop to think that nothing is real, that everything is fake despite that it's actually happening...
Just where all of his emotions go?
His family's fuss didn't get him either... It's just as if he turned into a liveless doll, like the act that he was putting up to the world. The only difference is, he didn't fake it now...
"Oh no! Tsuna! snap out of it!" After that one exclaim, Tsuna finally blinked after so long.
"Huh?" In confusion, Tsuna began to blink some more. This time tears began to formed and soon spilled out like never ending waterfall as he glomped the ghosts into a big hug.
"Why? Why? Why?" He chanted while asking to himself'-Why can't I stopped these tears now? why out of blue all of these emotions rushed into me???'
After some moments of crying out his heart content, he realized that the one who stopped him from his daze earlier was Henko, which means...
"Why are you guys here? Have you settle things between you?" Tsuna asked, turning to his personalities while still clinging to his Tou-san's embrace.
"Yes... yes we did..." Cielo answered with pang of guilt hits him as well with the others, for making their master suffer this much.
"We were idiots who make our worst mistakes..." Kuro continued.
"And that mistake is leaving you all alone, Master Tsuna..." Shiro said taking the lead to bow at Tsuna who looked confused instead. and so does Yoshi and the others. They were afterall knew nothing.
"Because we left you, you were injured... and that's not all..." Shiyo explained, "we just realized that as we left you. We accidently took something of yours with us..."
"and what is that, my dear?" Sakura asked. She has a hunch that it has something to do with her baby's odd behavior before.
"W-We were..." Tsuna tried to say, but too nervous to finish the words.
In the end, Henko said it in his stead, "They took your emotions with them..."
The ghosts are confused, but Tsuna gets the thing right away.
"and what do you mean by that, Missy?" Loke asked.
"Litterally, Loke-san..." Tsuna answered instead. His bangs are covering his shadowed eyes as he continued, "-afterall... they are me..."

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanficSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...