Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
Normal POV
Sighing softly, Tsuna saw on how Vindicare took Carlos with them...
'And this is why, love is dangerous...' Tsuna thought to himself. Remembering just how much damage could be caused in the name of love.
But speaking of which... "as reckless as always, I see..." Riku said as she stood next to the brunet.
Chuckling softly, Tsuna replied, "well, at least, it's over now..." He said, rechieving a playful punch from her.
"Baka... can't you think on anything that doesn't involved with you to get voulentary wounded?" She glared with hands both on her hips, for sure she has activated her Hen mode.
Tsuna raised his hands in deffence as he sweatdropped, "Uh... I'll try to remember it next time?" He said sheepishly.
Riku rolled her eyes at the statement, "I doubt it... But anyway, come here. I'll heal your wounds..." but how shocked she was when saw how those wounds healed by itself...
Staring boredly at the brunet, she asked, "okay, so did you have more of those sun pills or what?"
At this Tsuna smiled, "Not exactly... will you believe me if I met a- umm... magical girl?" The brunet said, trying to think up the correct word to describe Infa-chan.
"So, what did she do?" Riku accepted the fact immedietely which causing Tsuna to arch his brow in amusement.
"Wow, you actually believe that?" He asked.
"Well, coming out from you, I'll say yes..." She smirked as Tsuna chuckled.
"you've got your point. But anyway, about your question... It's not much, She just magically returned all of my energy and said that I'll have this spell so that I heal faster by 80%"
"so that's why you let him did that..." Riku said and Tsuna smiled knowingly.
"He never know the truth that I demolished his famiglia to save him. All that he know is that I killed his family..." Tsuna said, but it fall sad.
"Hey, What's wrong?" Riku asked.
Tsuna shooked his head, "It's just sad to be him... and it comes from me who's an outsider... Fate sure has the most twisted ways to tell s humans the true meaning of love..."
Riku was about to asked about what he meant, but before so, Cilia interupted, "Tsuna-oniichan... Tsuna-Oniichan!" She called.
Putting up his best smile, Tsuna smiled as he crouched down, "Nani, Cilia-chan?"
Giggling, she handed him something, "This is yours, right?" She said as the sky stone finally returned to its right owner.
"Oh Thank you so much, Cilia-chan..." He said
"You're welcome, Onii-chan. Now please don't be sad again, okay?"
Riku smiled at the sight while Tsuna smiling more sincerely as the little girl hugged her.
'How can I forget? she could see throught my mask... of course she would now...' Tsuna thought as he then said, "Okay Cilia-chan... Now, go back to your kaa-chan. I'm sure she would love to get one of your hugs too~"
Cilia nodded before then she ran back to her mom with a cheerful giggle, making Tsuna to smiled fondly at her.
Tsuna gripped the stone as he can feel his sky core returning back to him...
{Tsuna! Minna~!!!} That voice...
Smiling back, Tsuna expanded his arms as he catched the jumping blond, {Welcome back, Henko...} He greeted back. All of the personalities cheered, or at least they smiled in Natsu and Shiro case.
{It's good to be back... I was so lonely and all... But anyway, how much did I missed?} Henko asked, and they began to tell their parts of observation. Meanwhile Tsuna's conciousness returned back to the real world.
"Now, what are you going to do, Tsuna-nii?" Just in the right moment, Toshi asked as he walked near to the brunet.
"Well, I still have some business to be settled, therefore I'm going much further to the past..." He said.
"All alone?" Riki asked, joining the conversation. This time he shooked his head.
"No, I've learned my lesson NOT to go completely all alone when it comes to him. I'll take the TYL people with me." Tsuna said.
"Can we come?" Tsuki asked.
"I'm sorry, but no... Infa-chan said that only those that met her can continue the journey..."
"Infa-chan? who's that?" Riku raised a brow.
"She's the magical girl that I mentioned earlier." Tsuna replied. Riku nodded in understanding while Tsuki and Riki could only exchanging glances in confusion.
"Speaking of the devil..." Tsuna chuckled a portal appeared not so long later.
"Wait! Tsuna-nii is there really nothing for us to do?" Riki asked. And the three stared with the same gaze.
"Well..." Tsuna hummed with hand on his chin in thinking pose. "I guess you can call for Shamal and Lisa-sensei? or you can just simply call for any medic, because if my prediction is right, then this Cinderella spell will runs out before midnight. And the end will be everything but pretty..." He pursued his lips at that metaphor statements, but eyes telling them that he is serious...
And so, despite not fully understanding it fully, they gulped as they saw their brother along with the TYL people went into the portal once again...

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...