Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
"Tsuna speak to Henko"
"Henko speak to Tsuna"
Normal POV
"Tadaima!" Sora exclaimed cheerfully as she dragged Cielo into the house.
"Oh, you two had arrived!" Mizuki said as he went out from the kitchen, still wearing an apron.
"Oh, Mizu-nii! you're early" Sora said.
"yup... my class over 2 hours ago, so I decided to cook." Mizuki was going to asked how's their day as usual but stopped when he saw Cielo's exausted look. "What happen to him?" he asked.
Sora glanced the boy next to her, "woops! Sorry Cielo, I forgot that I dragged you along. Are you okay?" She asked worriedly at the panting boy.
Cielo wiped his sweats away as he chuckled while still panting, "I-I'm fine... you sure a fast runner Sora-chan..." he said.
Mizuki narrowed his eyes as he feels that something is wrong with Cielo, "You don't seems fine to me... you kindda pale..." He said as he put his hand to Cielo's forehead. "well, your temperature is normal. maybe you just need some rest."
"No need Mizuki-nii. I'm fine, really..." Cielo assured but his smile looked weak.
Neither of Mizuki or Sora can forced him for they know that Cielo won't do as what they say.
"okay then... how about we chat on the living room and while we're at it we can eat cookies as I just bake some." Mizuki said.
"Yay cookies!" Sora cripped.
"Okay..." Cielo replied lowly.
Then, while Mizuki took the cookies from the oven, Sora lead Cielo to the living room and forced him to sit on the sofa with her instead of sitting on the cold floor.
Sora then excitedly tell Mizuki the whole story. on how Cielo get a perfect score, on how her friends asked him to be their friend, also on how another fanclub just formed.
However Cielo himself didn't seems to pay attention as he's having trouble with his breath as sweats rolling from his forehead...
Cielo POV
Something is wrong with my body... I knew it...
I feel weak and drained, pain is all over. Not to mention my pounding head and my loud heartbeat...
Should I ask for help?
That would trouble Sora-sama and Mizuki-sama.
Maybe I'll be fine if I just ignore it?
"Of course not! you need help!" Henko-san shouted at me.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...