Chapter 82

441 37 8

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language "



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Normal POV

Tsuna smiled 1000 watts, proud of Toshi's answer.

"That's a very great answer Toshi. And congratulations, because you just passed the trial..." a squeaky voice said.

Just then, the complete set of Arcobaleno and Rilascio suddenly make their appearance.

Now everyone shot a confusion looks, especially the twins.

"R-Reborn? You were here all this time?!" Toshi shouted.

"Of course Baka-Toshi, I saw the whole thing. And let's just say I'm disappointed with your moves, both of you. It's just as if you're asking me to increase your training by triple, heh?" Reborn said smirking while the twins paled. Tsuna on the other hand chuckled.

"Now, now, Reborn. Neither Toshi and Tsuki could use their best potential most likely because of me. Afterall, I was the one who poisons them."

"That doesn't mean they're off the hook..." Reborn cut and Tsuna can only shook his head.

"Wait... can anyone please explain to us on what's going on here???" Tsuki exploded with the questions in his head.

Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Henko, "let me answer that..." he said.

And now the twins and guardians, each listen to him.

"So... everything started a bit after the sun arcobaleno's trial..."



Normal POV

After some small talks with Mammon and Belphegor, Tsuna was thinking on going back to Cortesia residence until there's another call for the other trial.

But right after they parted ways, Tsuna felt like someone is watching him...

{now, what are you doing turning on that corner? Isn't your sisters' house the other way around?} Henko asked as he pointed.

Holding back his frown, Tsuna then answered him, {yeah, and I would love to go. But I couldn't... can't you feel those eyes?}

Henko has no sensibility when he's in his spirit form like this, therefore he just shot a confused look. {did you mean that you're being followed?}

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