Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
"Tsuna speak to Henko"
"Henko speak to Tsuna"
Normal POV
"This is ridiculous!!!" One of the boy shouted.
"huh?"Cielo blinked.
"well you hear me! this thing that you made... it's too perfect!!! too good to be made within 5 minutes just how the hell did you do that?!" He asked this time with sparkling eyes, making the brunet sweatdropped.
"w-well, I just do this, and this, and this... after that do this, then we're finish..." Cielo said as he demonstrate on how to make a hair pin... again.
"ooooh~!" The audience cripped in awe.
"That's amazing Cielo-kun..." the teacher praised causing the boy blushed.
"t-thank you sensei. I'm not that good anyway I still make some mistakes" He said.
"you're still the best among us. so now kind to teach us on how to do it? we can use our spare time for crafting. who agreed?" the other teacher asked.
"Me! me! me!" The students raised their hands like kindergartens.
"you hear them Cielo, now teach us how to do it"
Cielo smiled at them, "okay then, I'll do my best" and they cheered. Not so long then each of them are bussied with the leaves, glue, etc...
~Little time skip~
It's been three hours since they started crafting. They've manage to create many handmades by now. Lanters, Book covers, Bross, Hairpins, Barcelets, and so many more. They were satisfied with their works although they were also making a big mess in the progress.
Seeing that everyone's tired, Cielo took a broom and started to do cleaning by himself.
"what are you doing Cielo?" Yamada asked.
"eum... cleaning of course. I felt uneasy for this mess, so yeah... but no need to worry. you guys can take some rest. i'll finish this in no time..." Cielo said with a smile. But before he can sweep the floor someone stopped him. it turned out that it was the class rep.
"well that won't be good..." He said. "you're the one who work the hardest and yet you also the one who clean our mess. oh please Cielo, you're underastimating us..."
Cielo can only raised a brow. and before he knew it he already sitted on the sofa.
"come on minna, let's clean this place all together" The class rep said.
"hai!" everyone exclaimed, magically with cleaning utensils already on their hands. Cielo can only blinked as he don't get on what just happening.
once he get it he stood up trying to help too but they all refused. "No, Cielo, no means no... it's enough we forced you to teach us and all now it's our duty to do the clean up. it won't be hard when two classes helped each other, right?" Yakemi insisted making Cielo sweatdropped, "well, aren't I one of the student too?" realizing that they won't ever listen to him he sweatdropped again.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...