Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
Toshi POV
despite on still very weak from his flame-deprived state, Shoichi pushed himself to checked on the time machine, with the help of Gianini, Spanner, and Verde.
and as they were waiting, the other decided to take a bit of rest. Of course, aside from those sun flames users, who's currently healing the -seemly- uncouncious Tsuna-nii and the heavily injured ones...
Meantime, I decided that he need to get as much information to this fake Natsu. And so, I called, "So... Natsu?"
"Hmm?" Is that dark haired teen replies with.
"well... It's nothing, but if you don't mind, can you repeat your plan, again? I was kind of too shock to payed atantion" -a lame excuse, but somehow Natsu bought it.
He sighed before then he answered the soon to be Decimo, "Fine... I hope you listen this time, because it sure's annoying to repeat the whole thing. It's like trying to make a brat understand multiplies..."
A tick mark appeared on Toshi's head, but he held his irritation in and instead replied with, "uh... Arigatou"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever... Now, pay attention..." Natsu said.
"so, basically, we'll divide the team into two... you and people from our time, went back to the present and bring back, Master's sky stone. Meanwhile, I will lead your future guardians and defeat TYL Master..." He explained.
"You will lead them? Why not my TYL self? shouldn't he be awaken by the moment we got back?" I asked.
"Yes, that's true, but he won't be in the condition... I mean, we can't expect anything less from someone who just died, don't you agree?"
Not liking the idea, but he's right...
"Then, how about the TYL, people? they sure can do something than just sit..." I said.
"They could... but it'll burden the machine even more than it's already. and besides, the Arcobaleno are needed to keep the balance as we bend the time flow..." I nodded, pretending to agree despite on how uneasy my feeling about letting him using the machine too... But remembering Tsuna-nii's request, I shall not make any unecessary move.
'I just hope that his decision is right...'
"Well, thank you for your explanation then..." I said.
"Eh? is that it? I thought you'll ask more... you know, being a curious cat you are..." He raised a brow. Oh how it's tempting to punch that smug face.
"ahaha it's enough, thank you..." I said sheepishly before then, I leave him to Tsuna-nii's side.
#With Tsuna
{That Bast***!! How dare he pretended to be me! I'll KILL him!!!} The real Natsu fumed as he stormed around with smoke literally coming out his ears.
{Well, among us all, his attitude fit you the most, so I guess it's logical for him to choose you to be imitate?} Kuro said which he soon raised his hand in defense as Natsu shot him a deadly glare.
{But hey... at least we know that it's not you, right?} Shiyo tried to mediete them.
Natsu snorted, but then he felt a pat on his shoulder and calmed down almost completely, {W-Well, as long Master know... I guess, nothing is matter...} -and Tsuna smiled at him which he blushed afterwards.
'Boy, he's such a Tsundere... or was it Yandere?' Everyone thought, slightly sweatdropping.
{But anyway, what should we do now, Master Tsuna? We can't just let him do what he wants, can we?} Shiro asked.
{Well... as much I wanted to, my body almost reached it limits and seriously needed some proper rest. Therefore I can't do much...} Tsuna said smiling sadly, {But don't you worry, It was only for the moment, because as soon I can move, we'll fix things up.}
{What will you do, exactly?} asked Cielo.
{I'll absorb him back to me, and cage him just like before...} At this, the personalities were shocked.
{B-But won't that only worsen the damage???} Tsuna asked.
{Yeah... and not to mention, if you do so then it won't be impossible if you'll be into comastate, or even worse, in critical!} Natsu added with worry and panic lacing on his words.
Tsuna, however, as usual, he just smiled over it, {Don't worry~ I'll be fine. Afterall! I'm stronger than I look...} He said confidently.
'Master...' They thought in sync... But seeing that solemn look on his face, They knew that there's nothing can change their master mind. That far they knew.
{Well, you can count on us, Master... we'll be with you till the very end...} Kuro said cooly, as he patted Tsuna's shoulder, showing a thumbs up.
{Well, technically, we can't leave without his power and permission...} Shiro stated flatly.
{Mou! do you really have to be a joy killer?} Kuro whined, yet Shiro just simply shrugged.
The good thing is, their childlish display had broken the tension and even got Tsuna to chuckled softly, {You guys sure get along well...} He commented, in which everyone then smiled.
'He sure is adorable when he laugh...' they thought as they promised to do their very best to protect that smile...
#Back to the real life...
"alright... Everything is ready!" Shoichi said, and Natsu grinned...
"Verywell then... let's do this thing..."
-and with that being said, they then sent to their destinied past as the chaos began...

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...