Chapter 93

393 31 5

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}



Tsuna POV

I don't know on what's happening. But I do know that for some reason I end up in this field.

The scenery was great though. From the clear sky, the grassy land, the breeze and even the smell of spring.

All that I can say is, "this place is beautiful..."

But sadly, I can't tell that to anyone. For there's no one else aside from myself.

I walked around, strolling since I don't have anything to do nor I understand the situation.

But some times later, I saw a person leaning on a big rock.

I raised a brow, 'so, I was never alone afterall...' I thought as I come closer.

It was then, when I was only few feets from him when I realized who he is.

I saw him sleeping, and so I was thinking to just leave, but then- "you're not thinking to leave so fast, did you? Come here, let's have a nice chat..." he called as he patted the place next to him, while smiling at me.

I smiled back, with the same exact wistful smile he offered, before then I take my seat.

The first few seconds we're stuck with the silence. But not so long then I decided to speak up first.

And so I said my first impression of him, which is...

"You look pathetic..."

-and he chuckled, "you do know that you're basically insulting your self, right?"

I hmp-ed, "not if I stopped myself from growing up like you..."

He snickered, "well, I am your future..."

"-one of my future possibilities..." I corrected. He rolled his eyes but then he smiled.

"So, what brings you here to my sanctuary?" He asked.

"To be honest, I don't quite know myself. I just 'somehow' transported here" I said.

"Hmp... you're funny. I like you..."

I cringed, "that sounds odd coming from my self" -now, he bursts into laughter.

"Oh, man... I have no idea why that was so hilarious..."

"Man, you are weird..." I said.

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