Chapter 52

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Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does! 


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Tsuna POV

I wake up a bit late today. It was already 7 by the time I woke up. everyone has up by then, and I have no choice but greet them.

Sora-sama's and Riki's sudden hug still caught me off guards. But I then feel relieved when they said that I can still go out on my own.

They told me that they understand my situation and trusted me that I'll be doing fine like what I told them...

This feeling... It almost hurt...

to think that I lied to the people that nice to me...

{-Tsuna! oi Tsuna! are you there?} Henko asked snapping me out of my thoughs.

{ah yes? sorry, I was spacing out...} I said to him. {you were asking something?}

{Well duh, I was asking wether we're going to train again today or not...} He said, raising a brow as he continue, {how unusual of you to pacing out that long... are you alright?}

{Uh huh... nothing to worried about. Just me and my thoughts...} I replied. Then after looking my surrounding a bit I asked back. {So, where are we?}


{How could you don't know?} Henko said thicked off.

{Well, I was pacing off, remember? I just let my feet walk by itself...}


{Maa~! I's alright~ We can still look around and find his way back~} Kuro really sounds like Yamamoto rightnow.

{Don't worry. after looking a bit more, I'm starting to recognize this place...}


{Yeah...} 'Besides, how could I forget? This path... This bloody path that I used to passed is leading to That place...'

In cue I stopped my pace as I stared at the familiar gate...

{I-Isn't this place...?} Tsuna hides behind Shiyo and I can understand why he looks so terrified...

Afterall, among the others, he was the one that know this place the best...

'should I come in?' I questioned as I stared emptily to the door bell.

'I kind of missing her anyway, and Fuuta too. I didn't get to see his future self before. But really, should I come in?'

My thoughts got cut out with some chatters from my right.

"eh? isn't that-..."

"ah! Tsuna-nii!!" It was the twins.

"-Chaossu Tsuna..." and Reborn...

"Domo... Decimo-sama, CEDEF chief" I greeted formally. I can sense rain and cloud from item that Toshi had in his pocket. 'wow so he has beaten Colonello and Skull? that's fast...' I commented in my head.

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