Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
Normal POV
Everyone was so glad to know that they had just successfully returned safe and sound. they cheered on it.
Although there is someone who didn't...
"..." That blond muttered in wide eyes.
Kyoko who was the closest to him saw the horror expression, which makes her confused.
"Ne, Toshi-kun? daijobu? you looked kinda pale..." but Toshi was too shock replied as he can't looked away from his bloodied leg.
as soon the brunette noticed on what he stared at, she shrieked in panic.
"T-Toshi-kun!! y-y-your leg!!!" She screamed attracting others' attentions.
"what's wro- what the-!! Toshi! your leg! It's bleeding!!!" Yamamoto shouted pointing the injury as Haru began to shouts about medic in panic, all the while Ryohei tried his best to heal him up along with Gokudera who immedietely performed first aid so that the injury won't get even worser.
-But even after all of that ruckuss, Toshi still stunned on his place, lost of words...
that is until Reborn snapped him by slapping the boy's cheek with his tiny hand.
"Oi Toshi! this is no time to pacing up!" Then as soon, Toshi snapped back to his senses.
Staring at those onyx pair just made his throat even drier as his eyes teared a little...
"Reborn..." he called hoarsely, "I... lost it... Bernardo took it from me..."
"-He took the sky stone..."
#Millefiore medical section...
That once amber pair finally opened after 3 hours, which felt like eternity for those who worried...
He took it slow and blinked some more before he can regain his sight fully...
"Bya..ku..ran..." He weakly called as soon he realized that he's not alone.
Unknown to him, his call was inaudible,thanks to the thick glass of incubator that separated him from those people.
Luckly, Byakuran catched that slight movement of his lips. And so, leaning closer he mouthed his reply, "What is it, Tsu-chan?"
"Ari...gatou..." Tsuna mouthed back with a small smile formed on his bluish lips.
Byakuran was shocked, but overall, he was so happy. At first, he thought that Tsuna would accuse him from doing something, but it seemed like he already understand the situation. And thus, he was glad that he didn't have to explain the whole thing... (A/N : Tsuna could be more stuborn than his TYL-self afterall...)
"No problem" He replied with a wide grin and a thumb up.
Tsuna smiled ever so slightly before then he passed out once again...
Byakuran, on the otherhand can only gazing softly at the fragile figure of his savior as he feels his heart being squished like some kind of squishy.
'It's so heartbreaking to see Tsu-chan like this... But what hurt me more, is the fact that I can barely do anything to help him...' he gloomily thought, before then he made his mind.
'well... Better than dwelling over him. I still have so much to do...'
"Saa~ minna, I'll leave him in your care, ne? Come on Zakuro, Kikyo, let's go!"
The said two hurriedly gave him their salutes before then followed their sent from behind.
All the while...
Tsuna POV
I finally returned to my own mindscape.
However, I have not yet feel relieved. And instead, I felt this particular dread feeling that I only felt when there is something wrong...
'But what could be it?' I questioned, although not for so long since I witness it my self.
"Minna... Where is Henko?" I askes, but my other personalities could only blinked at the empty spot where he should have appeared.
"Are? He's not here?" Shiyo-chan asked back in confusion.
"Where did he go?" Kuro also questioned.
"More precisely, where could he be?" Cielo corrected as he fixed his crooked glasses.
"But, well... In any case... H-He did return along with us, right?" Asked Tsuna nervously.
"he could be... But on the same time, he could be not." Said Shiro in un-sure. "And I'm afraid it would be the latter..."
"Well, how was it, master? Could you sense him somewhere?" Asked Natsu.
But I shooked my head, "ever since you guys left me my body's weakened, I barely breathing... so, I couldn't... I'm sorry..." I said a bit feeling down.
"W-Why are you apologizing, master?! It's not like you're at fault in any of this!!!" Natsu said flailing his hands in panic, causing me to chuckle.
"ehehe... wari... It's just my old habit to apologize..." I said as I calmed him down, "But in any case, we still need to find him, because he's now holding most of my sky flames. and without its harmonizing tribute, the flames that you guys has just returned would likely to flare up. Which as you know, it could endanger not just myself, but the others..."
"Demo... if you can't track him, then how do we supposed to find him?" asked Kuro.
"Well... I guess there's only one way left to do...-" I trailed...
"I'm going to ask Yuni about this myself..."

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...