Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
Tsuna POV
By the time I reopened my eyes and got my sight back, relief and happiness is what I saw at the twins' faces. Tsuki even teared up while Toshi hurriedly called for the doctor, which is none other than Lisa-sensei...
Well, in a way, I've somehow predicted this to happen. Being end up back to my hospital room is what I meant.
"It seems that your wounds have healed pretty much all of them" Lisa-sensei said to me with that knowing smile. All the while I just stared blankly at her, keeping my facade on.
"So, Tsuna-kun, I've heard that you lost your past memories?" I blinked before then nodded relucantly, acting scared of sort.
"I can't find any brain damage though-" 'Well of course you wouldn't...' "-so perhaps it was from a shock? trauma will be my guess..." I, again, just blinked. Honestly, this act of mine is getting on my nerve.
"Ano, can you talk?" She asked.
That is when I began to open my mouth, "Yes..." I answered her. and she smiled.
"Then, about my question before-?" she said but I cutted.
"I don't know... I don't remember" I said flatly.
She hummed, "then do you recognize who am I?" She asked patiently.
I shooked my head slightly and she sighed afterwards, "Well, it's such a shame." a bitter smile formed on her lips, "My name is Dr. Lisa. and you can say that I was looking forward to meet you, Tsuna-kun"
I stared at her, in a fake confusion as I asked, "were you one of my friends too, Lisa-san?" I changer her honorific from 'sensei' to 'san' since, Tsuna that I played now, doesn't know a thing about her.
Before she can reply, someone else has entered the room. I stared at the newcomer who smiled at the sight of me. He's getting close, before then ruffling my brown locks as he greeted, "Good, morning Tsuna... I see that you've finally awaken?" I nodded in respond
"You're fast, Shamal. I thought you were at Italy?" Lisa-sensei said.
Shamal turned at her, "that was two days ago. The moment Reborn tell me that they've found him I went straight to Japan. I stayed at Hayato's apartement"
"Gokudera-kun?" I asked, He nodded.
"are you his dad, Shamal-san?" I dumbly asked
He laughed, "No, I'm his teacher of sort. Anyway, enough of me and him, how do you feel Tsuna?"
"I'm fine..." I answered shortly and he hummed.
"'fine' as FINE, or 'fine' as fine?" He said, eyeing me intensively
"huh?" Is Lisa-sensei's respond. And I couldn't agree her more.
"meh, forget it..." He shrugged, "so, when will you get discharged?"
I turned my head to Lisa-sensei, asking for the same question.
"Actually, you can leave now if you want to. Your injuries has healed afterall. Well, somehow in unhuman speed of healing. But since it's you-" she trailed, giggling a little. while I could feel a small smile creeping onto my face at the mention of the good news.
"well then, I'll help you with the administration. I'm sure that you would love to see the open air as soon" I eagerly nodded, while the two laughed.
"It seems that your dislike towards hospital is still there huh?" Shamal teased me and I all I could do in respond is glaring a bit at him, yet He laughed even more which confuse me.
(me : well, you're not actually 'glaring', Tsu-kun. You're pouting XD)
In the end, they both leave the room to do their things as the twins companied me again...
at some point of our conversation (well, it's not an actual conversation. It's more like them talking and I'm as listener), I agreed to visit their house again.
My HI was telling me to do the other way, but I insisted. Thinking that everything will be just fine like before, I never knew that things would turns out into this mess...
Just as we took the last corner, we saw a blond man in front of the Sawada Residence. and it's not just any blond...
"I-Iemitsu-san..." I muttered in pure horror as I can feel my eyes widened.
I uncounciously take a step back which kicked a peeble and cousing sound that attract his attention.
at our sight, he looked shock before then he smiled...
He smiled...
Oh no... 'He saw me... and he's smiling... this is... t-this is not good...' My breath hitched as my head began to pounds ever so painful. My hands reached for my head in anticipation...
I'm having panic attack...
'NoNoNoNoNoNo!!! Leave! You dark memories! I don't want to remember any of it!' I screamed into my own mind as those voice of screams and whiping sounds echoed into my head as my mind replaying the sight of back then when he tortured me.
"T-Tsuna-nii... are you okay?" I can faintly hear Tsuki's panicked exclaim as I feel him by my side, holding my figure who's about to give up...
"GET THE H*** OUT OF HERE!!!" Toshi's angry face and the shocked look on Iemitsu-san was the last thing I saw before I blacked out completely...
Normal POV
when Tsuna got blacked out, his body didn't fall to limp. Instead, it got stiffened in its spot as 'Tsuna' hung his head low.
Tsuki's very worried, and was about to asked what's wrong, but then he got shocked instead at hearing maniac cackle escaped from the brunet.
"HahAHAhahA!!!! Finally~!" 'Tsuna' said as his loud laugh shook his shoulders. His voice is deeper than usual, and it sounded like someone else instead.
Well, of course... It was afterall, the tainted one who speaks...
"How easy to take over this body, now thanks to you~" 'Tsuna' revealed his pitch black eyes who's now glaring immpasively as he smiled ever so sickly at Iemitsu.
The three blondheads were shocked at him. They went into defensive stance uncounciously.
"Now, now, let's play a game, shall we~?" 'Tsuna' sang while forming a kitchen knife on his right hand with his dark mist.
"why don't we start from you, then?" 'Tsuna' said as he charged at the closest blond, which is none other than the unfortunate Tsuki.
-and with that, blood has once again tainted the road in front of Sawada Residence...

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...