Chapter 47

608 44 5

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Normal POV

after feeling that he had enough rest Tsuna finally opened his eyes. He feels groggy and light headed. He would love to stay under the blanket and cuddle, but glancing at the clock he know that he has to wake up for Toshi and the other must already here. And that means he too has to get to where they gather.

"urgh... My head is killing me..." Tsuna muttered as he forced himself up. 

{Hey, take it easy, Tsuna. The issue from yesterday's matter is still there} Natsu warned.

"I'm aware of that, thank you... But I really have to go. If things trully goes acording what my future self told Byakuran and the others, then Toshi and the guardians will go back to the past to get Arcobaleno's seal... I can't missed that" Tsuna  said.

{J-Just be careful then, Tsuna-san... I-It'll be bad if you collapsed all of the sudden...} Tsuna said.

"arigatou for the concern, and I will..." Tsuna smiled, "well then minna, I'm going..." 

Then Tsuna walked out from his room to the gather point. along the way, his mind were registering the new facts that he collected Yesterday...

'So... in this era, Byakuran is the villain. Sora-chan is missing. Toshi, Riku, Iemitsu-san, Nana-san, Bianchi, Tsuyoshi-san, the arcobalenos sans Lal, even Mizuki-san... they all died. and not just them, there are still many people that also died in this war... and it was all because of me. I lead them to their death... just to save me those lives lost in vain...' Tsuna thought depressingly. 'to came up with this whole sh**... JUST WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!?!'

without him realizing, he has finally reached his destination.

"Eh, Tsuna-nii? what are you doing here???" That call from Tsuki manage to snapped Tsuna back to his senses.

"minna-san... domo..." he said politely as he bowed.

"Tsuna-nii!!!" Lambo and I-pin squealed, wanting to jump to their brother figure, but stopped by Kyoko and Haru who despite want to go to the said brunet, they know they have to hold back after hearing his condition.

"Kyoko-nee! let go of me!!" Lambo whined as he flailing his hands and feets.

"Lambo-chan, please understand. Tsuna-kun is eum... sick. so we shouldn't disturb him..." Kyoko said, hugging the afro boy tighter. Lambo however, hasn't yet given up and struggling even more, making it hard for Kyoko to hold him still.

Surprisingly, Tsuna walked near him then patted Lambo, "Hello there, little boy,will you calmed down, if give you this candy..." Tsuna said. 

"ah! grape candy!" Lambo, being Lambo, snatched the candy and plop it into his mouth, "omai~" 

"would you like some too, Chibi-chan?" Tsuna offered to Reborn.

"no, Mama. I'm good" he replied cooly.

Tsuna nodded then turned to I-pin, "how about you, little girl?" I-pin take the candy but then asked in frown, "Tsuna-nii really... really... Remember us not?" She said poorly.

"Hai... gomen ne?" I-pin looked down but then she smiled. "It's okay! I-pin help Tsuna-nii remember!"

Tsuna cracked a small smile, he really hate to lie on kids but this masak is needed. It's no longer a gamble, but a must. 

He then gazed fondly at the chinese girl as he said, "Arigatou..." he also ruffled both of Haru's and Kyoko's hair, "thank you for your effort..."

"Tsuna-san..." Haru's eyes got teary, and so does Kyoko's. They're sad that Tsuna did not remember them at all...

"-Ohayou, Tsuna-kun... you're resting well? what do you feel?" Irie asked, taking the brunet's attention. his smile already formed a line once again.

"I am resting well, but I feel..." and his stomach just answer it for him.

"hungry, huh?" Spanner said. Tsuna just nodded, face showing no expression at all.

"Then, why don't you follow me to get some food?" the blond offered but Tsuna refused.

"I'm going with you... Decimo-sama..." Tsuna said, walking to the said teen. "onegai..." he said again while bowing.

"D-Don't bow to me, Tsuna-nii!" Toshi hurriedly stopped the brunet. "besides, you should get rest more than come with us..."

"but Decimo-sama..."

"-call me Toshi, and without any honorific please?"

"Hai... De- Toshi..." Tsuna corrected. "I need to go with you. because..." 


"I feel that I have to... so please..." This time Tsuna almost did dogeza, but Toshi hurriedly stopped him.

"alright, alright! you'll come with us..." Toshi sighed in defeat, "are you sure you're fine to do it though? we really don't want you to strained your body." he eyed the brown orbs in worry.

"I am quiet fine... just hungry..." Tsuna replied, and Toshi can't help but sweatdropped at his answer.

"we'll get you some food once we arrived then..." he said.

"Hai, Arigatou..." Tsuna said.

Then Toshi stared back at Irie, "alright Irie-san, we're ready..." 

Irie who was gazing his past self captain in worry, startled a bit at the sudden call. "a-ah yes... alright, then... Spanner?"

"all of the final preparation has finished..."

"good, now everyone, I want you to Not to mention anything that happened in this Era. Because each words that you said could possibly become a great threat to this world, do you understad?" Irie said.

"Yes.../hn" They answered in sync.

"and one more thing. Even thought you've been here for some months, back in your timeline it was actually only 3 days has passed."

"3 days?" Gokudera muttered.

"yes. Therefore you must have the same excuse of your missing. You could tell the Civilians that you were lost in a picnic trip. While for those that knows on what actually happened, just tell them nothing and assured them that everything will be just fine. Could you do that?"


"we could only gave you time of seven days. and within that time, you have to make sure to collect the whole seals. we will open the portal once again on the eight day at Namimori shrine. Be there at time..."

"alright" Toshi agreed for the gang.

"okay then... minna-san, please do your best..." Then the devices glowed and transported the past people back to their timeline...





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