Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}
Normal POV
"There..." That ravenette sighed in relief upon seing those marks stopped on their tracks, which only an inch appart from Tsuna's heart.
"Hey, kind to tell me what's happening?" Mukuro felt left out. Well, it's not his fault that among everyone, he's the only one who didn't know a thing. Especially about Tsuna.
"It's hard to explain and I don't think that he has enough time to wait. We need to get him to the hospital" She replied and Mukuro scoffed.
"Don't worry, I'll let you know once we get him a proper treatment"
"well you better be..." Mukuro snorted, "it's concerning him, afterall..." He said then carefully picked Tsuna up, in bridal style as he shocked a bit at how light the brunet is.
'Did he even eat??' He questioned in mind but didn't utter a word on the outside.
They're calling for taxi who then rushed them to the said building, Namimori hospital...
On the way, however, the girl spotted a group consist of 7 people. one brunette, five brunets, and one familiar blond who stopped on his trace as he spotted her.
Glarring at him, the girl then send gesture for them to follow where they're going. and now those running people are gulping...
'Oh, we're so going to get an earful' the whole groups thought as they detoured and ran again, now to the same destination as the three...
~little timeskip~
Dr. Lisa is now in his room, checking Tsuna up for the injuries that he had. all the while, Mukuro and Riku are forced to stay outside much to their dismay. That is when, Riku spotted the 7 idiots or so she labeled them.
She then told Mukuro that she's getting them drinks while in reality she's approaching the said idiots with such rage.
Dragged them to outside part of the hospital, she began to speak up...
"Why are you guys here? Why weren't you with Tsuna?" she had her head down as her shoulders shook a little...
"TELL ME WHY YOU GUYS WERE OUT IN THE ROAD WHILE TSUNA WAS ALL ALONE?" Looking up with such anger in her eyes made the personalities and Henko flinch.
"Tsuna... he cast-" Henko started only to get cut off.
The accusation practically hit home making all of them flich evem more looks of guilt filling the air.
"Master wanted to have some peace to himself, he wanted to be completely alone" Natsu said as his malicious eyes bored into Riku, leaving a reminder of just which personality this was, this was the one that killed mercilessly.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...