Chapter 48

572 44 3

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Normal POV

"looks like we really are back..." Gokudera muttured as he saw that they all have arrived at the familiar neighborhood, Namimori.

As soon they arrived, Hibari separated himself from the gang.

"ah, Hibari-senpai!" But the demon prefect just ignored Toshi's call, so typical of him.

"Sheesh, that guy..." Ryohei said.

"Huh? where is Chrome-chan?" Kyoko asked as she couldn't find the indigonette.

"Hahi! she disappeared???" Haru questioned

"She left..." Tsuna said monotonely as he himself walked away.

"w-where are you going Tsuna-nii?" Toshi asked as he marching up to the brunet's pace.

"Searching for job..." is Tsuna's plain answer.

"eh? why?" Toshi asked again.

"I don't have money... I don't have home..." Tsuna replied. glancing away as he remembered the fact that he burnt down his house and gave all of his money before he erased his own and everyone's memory. All to remind him that there's no turning back now.

"-if that so, then you don't have to find a job! you can stay with me!" Toshi suddenly offered. Hoping that the brunet will take it since he saw this as a chance to make up with his elder brother.

"I'll be burden... so no thank y-" But he didn't get to finish his sentences as he stopped his walk all of the sudden.

"what's wrong Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked but the brunet didn't answer, and instead just keep staring forward with eyes slightly widened.

"C-Cielo?" a blonde girl -that he know from Cielo's memory- namely Sora called for him as she gasped in disbelieve.

The two of her companion, a ravenette and an albino, They both looked in shock and even dropped their groceries.

"Sora-san/ Riki!/ Riku..." Toshi, Kyoko and Haru called at the same time.

Meanwhile with Tsuna, he's spontaniously wanting to turned back and leave but some part of him missed them too much, it refused to complied.

his other personalities are currently having a debate on it too but before they could come into a conclusion, Tsuna felt that the three already caught him in teary hug.

"Tsuna-nii! I'm so glad that they found you!" Riki said already cried river.

"Cielo no Baka! you made us really worried!!" Sora said almost in the same state as Riki. But Tsuna just stayed still as his eyes locked at the ravenette who stunned in her place. He noticed on how she bite her lower lip and had her bangs covered her eyes.

Riku walked slowly at the brunet and the two girls gave her access to him by stepping aside. It was so intense that no one dare to say a word. and now the two are facing each other in silent.

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