Chapter 130

327 24 9

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"





~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}




"Okay... so, you were right. We were indeed underestimating his escaping skill." Kaichi said while sweatdropping at the empty bed that was supposedly occupied by a certain brunet.

"Told you... we shouldn't have left him all by himself more than five minutes..." Riki said, groaning in annoy at her own predicament.

"But anyway, Did he say something about where he went?" Tsuki asked Riku who's currently holding a note from the said brunet.

"Not specifically..." Riku hummed as she handed them the note to be read themselves.

It says...

[Well hello there~

If you found this note lying oh so innocently on my bed, then that means I have once again successful on escaping this boring Hospital~ ;p

Now, now, you don't have to worry! I'm perfectly fine and capable of my next moves... Oh, and please tell Lisa-sensei that I'll try to pay her, maybe a bit later? I have no money left on me afterall... ehehe... ('-' ")

But anyway, I'm on my way to the person who gave you those nice watches! I mean they're cool and all~ so I thought, why not take one for myself? :D

I know that it'll take a long time of persuading, but I'll try to be back before dinner. Although, just in case I haven't got back until later then I'll be staying at friend's house~

I may look like a mess when I returned... or maybe total chaos. well, you know what I mean

but anyway~ don't mind me... Because, I assure you that I'll be fine as I always. :)

P.s. Say my hellos to marshmallow freak and the gang... Oh, and Flan too, I guess, in case you clashed fate with them. Tell him not to tease pineapple fairy too much, it'll be bad for his health XD]

-and now they all sweatdropped...

"He just has to know about everything, doesn't he?" Sora, who just arrived with Mizuki, Kaichi and Yakemi, asked no one particularly, but Toshi then sighed as he replied her.

"I guess his title was not just a bluff, huh..." Which then that statement earned him a kick on his head from truly yours...

"well of course! He's not a slacker like you, Baka-Toshi..." Reborn said with a white snicker as he snatched the note.

"Tch, Reborn! do you really have to kick me like... oh I don't know, every time???" -The sarcasm was thick but Reborn being Reborn, just simply ignored him, in favor of re-reading the paper for a possible hidden clue. He found none...

"Any idea of the place where he meant?" He finally asked Riku, who then calmly replied.

"Maybe... maybe not... but I won't start on looking before dinner time. Now, if you excuse me, I need to add some more medical kit to my stock..." and with that, the ravenette left the scene alongside her dear sister. Leaving Reborn to shook his head with that knowing smirk on his face.

"Maa... we better storm off this place before that guy decided to make this place as the war ground..." Reborn said and everyone agreed.

-True to be said... because just some moment after they stepped out of the building, Wonobochi decided that it's time for play...




"Ready? Fight~!"


Riku POV

'Mattaku... that stupid brother of mine. Always tangled himself with troubles! Seriously, Just what the h*** is going on his head???' -I might be calm, but inside I was rampaging...

I mean, for crying out loud! It's checkerface! even the Arcobaleno were wary of him. Yet that Baka decided to go straight to the boss... 'Did he even know where the guy is?'

I really can't help but worry...

Afterall, Tsuna always has this extreme martyr complex inside of him. I won't be surprised if one day I found him dead in the middle of the road for saving a kitten.

Well, that might not the brightest thing to be thought of, but really, I can actually see him doing that. Not like I liked the idea... not even the slightest.

And the fact that Reborn and much less everyone decided to keep what happened in the future as a secret from me, Riki, and the clueless party, was not helping at all...

(Apparently, of all people, only the two of us who didn't get any sights, which is odd... but they just decided that it might be the best if we were actually left out. *huft*)

"maa... don't you worry too much, Riku-chan. I'm sure he'll survive... if not fine. I mean he always did, right?" -I know that Riki was only trying to cheer me up, but to be honest, I just get even worried... great... 

"It's not like I don't trust him..." I sighed, "but certainly, he's the most selfless, reckless, naive human being Kami ever created..."

"Still, you love him..." Riki teased as she giggled. I, on the other hand, has my eyes rolled at her childish attic before then I replied her with a smile.

"Heh, don't you know? That is why I love him..." -later so I smirked, "and now that I've confessed, would you share me the reason why you fall for that lemon head?"

and just like I expected, that statement got her to blush while not so long then she began to rant of words saying that she's NOT into him...

-But of course, I know her... if not the both of them, better...

'Well, at least, it got me less tensed than before' -I should be thanked Riki for it.

Then again, it's much fun on teasing her...





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