YoosungxReader ~Valentine's Day Special~

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A/N: This oneshot is not based on the MM Valentine's Day After End

Third Person POV:

Yoosung slowly awoke to the sound of his alarm going off, and quickly slienced it before it woke you up. It was just quiet enough to not wake you up. The male rubbed his eyes, not wanting to leave for his classes knowing what today's date is, but he didn't have a choice if he wanted to graduate. Yoosung looked over to his side to his sleeping girlfriend, who laid right beside him. He smiled and gently kissed your cheek before getting ready for the day.

After getting dressed, Yoosung made his way to the kitchen where he made himself some breakfast. Then the male quickly made his way to the bathroom, where he brushed his hair and teeth.

'I feel bad leaving her here alone on a day like today.' Yoosung thought to himself as he walked out of the bathroom. He was trying to think of a quick way he could let you know his love for you.

'I got it.' He thought and slightly hastened his speed.


Your POV:

After sitting up on your shared bed, I saw Yoosung wasn't there. I frown, knowing that I'm going to be alone on this special day, that you spend with the ones you love.

'I miss him.' I think to myself.

I sigh and get out of bed and head to the kitchen to make a late breakfast for myself.

As I start to walk into the kitchen, I notice something on the table we sit at for our meals. I walk over and see a note and a heart shaped box.

I pick up the note and start to read it,

'Dear Y/n,
I'm sorry I am not with you on a special day like today. By the time you read this, I'm probably already in class. I'll be back here with you, soon.

I love you so much! For the time while I'm away, I got you some (fav. chocolate) for you to enjoy!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Your boyfriend, Yoosung'

I smile at the sweet note, Yoosung took the time to write before going to his classes.

'He's so cute.' I think, still smiling.


"Y/n! I'm home!" I heard a voice yell.

I stand up from the couch, where I was sitting playing games on my phone while eating a few of the chocolate pieces Yoosung got me.

"Yoosung! How were your classes?" I ask.

Yoosung doesn't reply and immediately hugs me the second he saw me. I hug him back and kiss his cheek. He slightly pulled away from the hug and kisses my lips. I kiss him back while smiling because I'm finally with my boyfriend on Valentine's Day.

"I'll go make dinner while you rest." I suggest after we both pulled away from the kiss we shared.

"I'm so sorry I had to go to class today, but in order to get good grades, I have to go. I wanted to stay here though." Yoosung replies sadly. "So, I'm going to make it up to you by spending the rest of today with you! It's only dinner time so we can watch a movie after! I'll help you make dinner too! Come on!"

Yoosung grabs my hand as we go into the kitchen and start to make our dinner.


"I love you, Yoosung. Happy Valentine's Day." I whisper to Yoosung as the movie we were watching played the end credits.

"I love you too, Y/n. Happy Valentine's Day." He whispered back.

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