JuminxReader ~Halloween Special~

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Your POV:

Jumin and I sat on our shared bed, as Jumin stared at his phone and was repetitively sighing. Today is Halloween, however Jumin's father decided to close down the office today. Jumin and I just laid in bed all day, cuddling.

I started counting the seconds that passed by before Jumin sighed again.

'1... 2... 3... 4... 5...'

Jumin sighed again. For some reason, this was extremely funny and I burst out laughing. Jumin looked at me with curiosity and worry. After a few seconds, I finally regain myself and stop laughing.

"What's wrong Jumin?" I ask my boyfriend.

"My father is opening up the office in a few hours for a Halloween party. He wants me there." Jumin answered.

"So the problem is?" I questioned.

"It's a costume party. Costumes required." Jumin answered.

"What's wrong with wearing a costume?" I questioned further.

"I just don't want to go in a costume and be in front of employees." Jumin sighed.

"Well, did your father say I could come?" I asked, with a sudden idea popping into my head.

"He said if you would like." Jumin said.

"Then why don't I go, and we can dress up as opposites." I suggested.

Jumin looked at me with one eyebrow raised. So I sat up and started to explain about how he could go as a "commoner" and I could go as a "richer person". Jumin looked like he understood my explanation, but he wasn't fully okay with it.

"That or you can go in an animal costume." I threatened.

"Fine." Jumin reluctantly agreed.

I smiled and got out of bed.

"Come on. We need to go to the store to get you a costume."

Jumin sighed, but he got out of bed. It didn't take long before we were at the store, buying "commoner" clothes for Jumin. Since Jumin has already bought me what seems like over a hundred elegant dresses, I decided I would wear one of them.

Hours, that seemed like seconds, passed and we were walking up to the C&R building with our costumes on. Jumin's reluctant attitude disappeared after he put on the comfy clothes I picked out for him, they were just sweat pants and a hoodie. The body guards who were at the building gave Jumin and I confused looks, but Jumin decided to ignore them.

We walked in the building and not even a second later we were approached by Jumin's father and his latest girlfriend. Immediately Jumin's father asked why we didn't come in costume, like required. Jumin was about to speak, but I interrupted him.

"We are in costume. Jumin is dressed like a 'commoner', while I'm dressed like a more wealthy person." I explained, but I didn't do finger quotes when saying the word 'commoner' like I would normally do.

"Oh." was all Jumin's father said, clearly NOT happy.

"I think it's a cute idea." The chairman's girlfriend smiled.

"Y/n came up with it." Jumin smiled, proudly.

"Clearly." The chairman whispered.

We all heard his comment, but decided to ignore it.

"Well, we should get going." The chairman announced.

The two then walked away and left Jumin and I in the middle of the room. Jumin grabbed my hand before walking off into the room with all the tables. Jumin led me to a table, in the far corner of the room, where there were only two chairs standing right next to each other. Jumin and I both took a seat before my boyfriend suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Y/n, no matter what my father says about you, please know that I will always love you. Our relationship is what matters here. Not my father's opinion on you." Jumin said.

"I know. I love you, Jumin." I smiled.

"Good. I love you too, Y/n. Happy Halloween." Jumin let out a rare smile.

"Happy Halloween, Jumin."

A/n: I hope you enjoyed!

Happy Halloween everyone!

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