JuminxReader ~ Vacation With RFA (Pt.1)

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Your POV:

"Hey, Jumin?" I ask my boyfriend as we sit on his couch. Today was one of those very rare days were he didn't have a lot of work. He completed it early and invited me to his house. We spent the whole time sitting on the couch and cuddling while we talked about the things happening in our lives.

"Yes, my love?" Jumin replied as he stared at his phone.

"I think we should go on a vacation with everyone in RFA. It would be nice, since we don't see each other a lot." I suggest.

"I'll talk with V about it. Where would you like to visit?" He asked, looking over to me.

"Maybe some kind of resort? Like a beach resort! That would be fun right?" I say, starting to get excited.

 "Would you like anything specific?" He questioned further.

"Um... I would like the place to have a beach, maybe a pool." I answer, trying to think about all the fun things there is to do at a water park. "Oh! A water park too!"

Jumin started to lightly chuckle at my excitement and ideas, probably thinking the water park was childish. I sigh and refrain myself from getting any further excitement.

"Your too cute." Jumin says and kisses my forehead. As he does my face goes red from embarrassment. "I ask V, about your vacation idea with the RFA members. I'm sure he'll agree."

"Thanks." I reply as the reddness on my face quickly fades and kiss his cheek.

"You missed." Jumin replied with a smirk as a red blush quickly reappeared on my face.

Jumin laid his phone on the couch, right beside him. He pulls me close to him, with his arms wrapped protectively around me, and lovingly kisses my lips. I don't kiss back for a second, trying to comprehend what just happened. As I realize, I immediately kiss him back.

Seconds later, Jumin's phone starts to ring however he doesn't pull away. I break our kiss, knowing it might be work or maybe Jaehee.

"Why did you pull away?" He asked as he didn't even bother to look at his phone.

"That call might be important." I answer. The truth is, I didn't want to end the kiss as we barely see each other since I recently got a new job at (company/name), but his work is equally important as that's the way you have to make a living.

"Your most important to me Y/n." Jumin whispers as he releases his arms and turns around to get his phone.

By the time he reaches his phone, the call timed out and the caller was spent to voice mail. As the call ended, I quickly got a text from Jaehee saying Jumin didn't answer his call and asking if he was okay. I sigh, feeling bad for Jaehee having to work as his assistant. I pick up my phone and text her back telling her, he was fine and that he'll call back. Jumin turns back around and grabs my phone, right after I hit send, and places it behind him. His arms go back into the protective position they were in, a few moments ago.

"Where were we?" Jumin whispers.

My boyfriend leans down for another kiss. Using my quick reflexes, I put my hand over his mouth before he reaches me, and gently push his face away, as well as his arms. I stand up off the couch, and grab my phone.

"Call Jaehee back." I say coldly and walk into the kitchen to get a small snack.

I hear Jumin sigh behind me, but he ends up calling his assistant back.


The RFA members and I walked into the elevator of the hotel we were staying at for our vacation together. After a few days of thinking, V decided to take my suggestion of all RFA going on a vacation together for a while.

Seven, Yoosung, and I talked the whole way up about the water park we saw on the way to the hotel. As we talked, Jumin kept an arm around my waist. His grip got tighter, the more we talked and more excited we got, but I thought nothing of it.

Finally, we arrived at the place we were all staying at. Jumin and V decided on a room that would fit all seven of the members. V got the door unlocked, and we all went inside. The place was huge and definitely amazing. All of us, except Jumin, started in awe at the place as it felt like we were in a castle from a fairy tale.

"Y/n." Jumin's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Yes?" I ask, looking up at him.

"You want to share a room, right?" He asked with slight worry in his voice.

"Of course!" I answer, confused as to why he would ask that.

"Alright. Lets go pick a room." Jumin says and we walk upstairs to choose our room for the next few weeks.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed reading this. I will write a 'ZenxReader' (for his b-day) next weekend, and I might write part 2 of this as well.

Remember, requests are open. If you have a specific plot and'or personality you would like please leave that in your request too!

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