JuminxReader ~ Work Argument

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Requested by: onlinegirl03

Your POV:

I walk downstairs after finishing my shower. I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch with a sigh. Today was a rough day at work, since everyone else was doing whatever they wanted and my boss yelled at me just because she felt like it. Laying my head on the back of the couch, I close my eyes and let out another sigh.

I lay there for a few moments before I feel Elizabeth 3rd lay her head on my legs. As I open my eyes and start petting Elizabeth, I hear the front door open.

I hear my boyfriend's footsteps grow louder and louder as he gets closer to me. I look over to the entrance of the living room, and I see Jumin standing there. By his facial expression, it's not difficult to tell he had an equally as bad day.


"What did you do all day?" Jumin asks, interrupting me.

"Um... I went to work. I just got home about half an hour ago." I answer, confused as to why he just asked that.

Jumin lets out an annoyed sigh and places his belongings off to the side on the floor.

"What's wrong? Bad day?" I ask, still a bit confused.

"You have no reason to be tired. That's what is wrong." Jumin answers, walking over to me taking Elizabeth from me.

"Huh?" I say, surprised, as I watch Jumin pets Elizabeth and sits on the other side of the couch. "What do you mean?"

I wait for Jumin to answer me, but he never does. Instead of answering me, Jumin continues to pet Elizabeth.

"Jumin. What do you mean?" I ask, annoyed.

Jumin waits a few seconds before answering.

"I mean, the work you do is nowhere as stressful and difficult as the stuff I do. You just do basic work, therefore you shouldn't be tired." Jumin answers.

It takes me a moment to take in what Jumin just said. A little part of me wants to think this is because of a difficult day at work, but a larger part of me wants to yell back at him. I take a deep breath, before I try to reason with Jumin.

"Listen Jumin. I can tell you had a bad day at work, but please don't take it out on me. I too had a bad day." I say, trying to be calm.

"Bad day? Yeah right. You probably laid around and were lazy all day." Jumin replies.

"Okay. That's it." I state, as all of the calmness inside me leaves, and I stand up. "You have no right to say that. You were not at my job today, so you have no idea what I have been through. Out of everything that has happened today, I don't need you making it worse."

"I don't believe you." Jumin says, standing up and stops playing with Elizabeth. "What could have possibly happened to you that could make your day bad? Huh?"

"All day, no one was doing their job and doing whatever they felt like doing. All day, I was constantly getting yelled at by my boss for anything and everything. I was even getting yelled at for things that didn't have anything to do with what was going on at my job." I start to yell. "You have never been the employee, so you have no idea what it feels like to get yelled at by your boss."

I pause for a moment, trying to regain myself, but it doesn't work.

"You make Jaehee do everything for you. She even does your work for the RFA. If anything, you are the one who is lazy." I say.

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