JihyunxReader ~ A Good Father Already

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Requested by: Sweetpanda666

Your POV:

I walked out of the bathroom in the house my husband and I bought together half a year ago, right before we got married. The house wasn't in the best condition, but V and I worked together to redo the house and it looks like a newly built house.

As I walk to the couch in the living room, I watch as my naturally blue haired husband placed an cover over an open outlet. I look around the room and see that all the other outlets are also covered. Then I remember that there were covered outlets in the bathroom as well.

"Why are you covering outlets?" I ask, confusion clear in my tone.

V jumps a little at my sudden voice, then regains himself and stands up straight.

"I want to keep my baby safe, so I'm finish putting covers on all the outlets in the house." V said with a confident smile.

"Your baby also isn't going to be here for another six months, as we just found out yesterday." I smile back, putting a hand just below my stomach.

"Okay. I might be getting a little ahead of myself." V states, giving in.

"A little?" I giggled before sitting on the couch.

"Fine. Very ahead of myself. I'm just really excited." V defends himself and sits next to me.

As my husband sat next to me I felt his arm around me, so I laid my head on his chest.

"You know, Y/n. When Jumin and I were in our teenage years, I remember him telling me that I would be an amazing father one day, while we were at the park one day. He also said that I would be an even better father once I find someone special and irreplaceable." V paused for a moment. "I'm sure that person Jumin was talking about was you, Y/n."

I sat up and looked at V. His smile couldn't get any bigger.

"I agree. Jumin has good judgment." I smiled back at V.

"Thank you. I also told Jumin the same thing back. He didn't reply to me though." V laughed at the memory.

"I'm sure Jumin will find someone. Everyone in RFA will find someone. I'm sure of it." I replied.

"You're very positive, Y/n, but I agree. They all need time." V smiled. "I remember telling Jumin how I hoped our future children will also be best friends. He still didn't answer me, but I know he thought it too."

"Best friend instinct?" I asked.

"Yeah." V chuckled.

"Imagine if we all have kids. Whether they are blood related or not. And they would all be friends with each other like us." I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

V nods his head in agreement and stands up.

"I still have some stuff I want to get done for the baby's safety before today is over, so-"

"No. Sit back down and cuddle with me." I said in a playful tone. "There's still so much time before our baby is actually here, so you don't have to do that right now."

"I just want to get most of the stuff for the baby's protection done before you get way too needy." V says but lowers his voice at the last part.

I jokingly gasp at his statement.

"I'm not going to be THAT needy. I promise." I say to my husband who is sitting back down.

"Fine." V laughs and cuddles close to me. "But I want you to be needy and let me help you with anything I can while your in that stage."

I feel his arms make their way around me. I rest my chest back on V's chest and close my eyes. We stayed like that for a while before before I felt V press his lips against my stomach.

"I love you." I heard V whisper to our child.

I couldn't help but smile with my eyes still closed. Then I felt V's lips against mine for a second.

"I love you too, Y/n."

A/n: I hope you enjoyed reading!
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