Requested by: JudyMysticMessenger
Your POV:
It has been ten days since I returned home from my trip and joined the RFA. Jumin allowed me to stay at his penthouse in one of the spare bedrooms. Even though I pretty much just joined the organization, it feels as if I have known the RFA members for my whole life, except for Jumin since I really have known him all my life.
Saeyoung and I have grown extremely close. We always joke around together and jokingly mess with the other members. Every time we are together, I get this weird feeling that won't go away, no matter how hard I try. I always find my face growing warm, sometimes a lot warmer than others, and I can't control it.
Jumin never likes when we are together, but whenever I ask him why, he never gives me an answer. When that happens, it feels like someone has taken a knife and stabbed me in the heart. Never in my whole life has Jumin ignored me like that. In the past, he always answered my questions, even if they had the potential of embarrassing him.
Jumin and I are now on our way to my first RFA party. During the meeting those ten days ago, it was decided the RFA was going to hold another party, and after Saeyoung made me a member, I was put in charge of emailing the guests that that other members suggested. Over only ten days, I got a little over thirty guests to email me, saying they were going to attend.
Finally, as we arrive at the party hall, I spot Saeyoung. I don't hesitate to go over to him. Saeyoung immediately sees me, as I walk over to him. When I reach him, he brings me into a tight hug, as I return the hug. His touch is so warm and inviting. Everything about being with him feels so right.
"It's been ten days since I've seen you in person. That's entirely to long," Saeyoung tells me, as we continue to hug.
"I agree," I reply with a small laugh.
Suddenly, Saeyoung lets go of me and sits back down in the chair he was sitting in before I came over. As he lets go, I start to feel empty and cold. I sit down in the chair next to Saeyoung, as he tells me this is the table reserved for RFA members. I nod in response, and I notice Saeyoung staring at me.
"What's wrong?" Saeyoung asks.
"Nothing," I lie, not wishing to tell him about how I feel so empty after he let go of me.
"Really, Y/n. You think I'm going to believe that?" Saeyoung says, suddenly his checks grow a dark red. "I'm always here for you, you know. If you ever need someone to talk to or vent to, I'll always be right beside you. I promise."
"I will too. I'll always be here for you. No matter what," I smile at Saeyoung, feeling myself grow extremely hot.
For the rest of the party, Saeyoung and I stay together laughing and talking. I caught myself staring at Saeyoung many times. There were also a couple of times Saeyoung caught me staring at him before I had the chance to look away, but I as well caught him staring at me a few times.
By the end of the party, it is impossible for me to deny my feeling for the red head. I want to spend every moment of my life with Saeyoung. The thought of him actually feeling the same way about me and the thought of Saeyoung calling me his, makes my heart skip a few beats.
As Jumin and I walk inside of his penthouse after the party is over, Jumin tells me to put all my stuff down. All I took with me to the party was my phone, so I follow Jumin into the living room. He sits down on the couch, as I do the same, putting my phone on the coffee table.
Jumin stays silent for a few seconds before letting out a long sigh.
"Y/n. I can't keep this from you anymore. It's more then obvious that you have feelings for Saeyoung and Saeyoung has feelings for you. I have respected every decision you have made in your life, but I don't want you to be with him," Jumin says.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*