Warning: MAJOR V Route Spoilers
[Day 10]Your POV:
It was a struggle to open my eyes, but with some effort I did it. I looked around and saw bright white walls and lots of machines. There was a window to my left, but it was shaded with a curtain. To my right, there was a wall that continued to the other side of the room, but there was an opening, as if it were made for someone to walk through. I heard a loud beeping sound and muffled voices that didn't seem to far away. On top of me was a soft blanket, but it didn't protect me from how cold the room was. There were also a few cords connected to my body.
Wishing to sit up, I start to bring my hands to a position where it would help me. However, I stop trying to second I move my arms due to the excruciating pain that shot throughout my whole body. A part of me wants to scream out in pain, but I only let out a quiet whimper instead.
I take a deep breath, hoping it would lower the pain a little bit, and it does. As I glance around the room for a second time, I realized that this is a hospital room, and I'm in a hospital bed. Knowing that I am here for one reason or another, I stay in the bed and don't mess with any of the cords that were most likely one of the reasons I am alive. I knew someone was going to walk in the room soon, so I started to play the waiting game.
It took about a minute and a half before I started to get bored out of my mind and I lost most of my patience. I started to lift my head to look for my phone, but it wasn't in plain sight from where I was laying. I let out a sigh of defeat and laid my head back down.
Instead of wasting time, I tried to think back to the last thing I remember. Sadly all I remember was for V to wake up as Seven was figuring out information about Mint Eye. I don't remember anything after that moment.
I let out another sigh, but this time it was from annoyance. Not being able to remember something is one of the most irritating feelings.
As soon as I was about to travel back to my thoughts, I heard a door open and a few footsteps. I observed the opening on the right wall.
Seconds later, I saw a man, who looked extremely familiar, walked in the room from the opening. He had his head down and his eyes were glued to the floor. The man had short white hair with the tips dyed pink. He was wearing a magenta colored jacket, a brownish undershirt that has buttons, and tan pants. The man had a cast around his right arm and was holding it with his left. He continued to walk into the room with his head down, until he got to the foot of my bed. It wasn't until the man and I locked eyes, did I recognize him.
"Ray." I said his name as loud as my throat would allow me, but my voice only came out in a whisper.
Ray didn't respond, instead a huge smile appeared on his face. His smile looked out of both relief and happiness.
Ray walked over to my side and sat down on my bed. Ray's free hand immediately cupped my cheek, and he kissed my forehead.
"I'm so, so happy you are okay, Y/n." He whispered.
I didn't reply, but I figure whatever happened was probably really bad.
"Thank you. I love you, Y/n." Ray whispered, as he wrapped his arm around me and started to cry.
"Ray. What happened?" I ask in a faint whisper, scared to know what really happened.
Ray sat up straight, releasing his arms from around me. He dried a few tears and took a deep breath.
"Y/n. You came to the Mint Eye building just before it was too late for me to get out. I was told to destroy the building and get out of there, but I decided to stay." Ray took another deep breath. "My last call to you must have been what made you rush over. You got there and brought me out of the building, but as we just made it out of the building, it exploded."

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*