Requested by: Demigod_Dork
Saeyoung's POV:
I walked into a room in my house that held all my old equipment. It's been close to two years since Y/n joined the RFA and changed my life. We have been dating ever since, and Y/n also moved in with Saeran and I, a few weeks ago. I figured it was time to look through and sort some of my old files and programs, so while Y/n and Saeran were eating ice cream in the kitchen, I decided to do this now.
Walking into the room, I turned on the lights. The room was full of cobwebs and was really dusty. There were only a couple boxes in the room, along with an old desk of mine that had a computer and monitor sitting on top.
I raised an eyebrow at it and walked over. I brushed some of the dust off the top and turned on the computer. As it was turning on, I pulled out the chair and sat.
On the monitor, there were a couple files and programs, but one stood out to me. One I have never seen before. I read the title of the program to myself, 'RFA'.
I tilted my head to the side in confusion and opened the file. The program takes a few minutes to load, so I try to think back to all of the things I named any of the files back then. Nothing comes to mind. Never have I named a file or program that had to do with the association just a plain 'RFA'. Everything had a few other words attached to it.
Finally, the program loads, and an old version of the RFA messenger comes up. It looks the exact same as the one we used two years ago. After Saeran joined, we redesigned the messenger together, as a brotherly activity Y/n suggested. The only thing that looks a little different is that the members have objects as their profile pictures instead of their faces. Jumin's has a cat that looks a little bit like Elizabeth III. ZEN's has a microphone. I have a computer. Yoosung's has a game controller. Jaehee's has a picture of someone who looks to be preforming, but they are very far from the phone. Jihyun's has a picture of a camera. Saeran's has a picture of ice cream. Last, Y/n's has a picture of a flower.
I stared at the other icons for a bit before clicking on the chatroom button. Each day of the week was spaced out into another icon that you have to push, like the messenger I remember. I clicked on the most recent one and skimmed through the chat titles. Suddenly, I come across a passed chatroom that has all of the members in it and click on it. The chatroom comes up and all the members enter the chatroom, however all of the usernames are different.
As I read the chat, I find that there was something wrong with the camera function, so everyone posts pictures of them selves. The first picture is of a female with long white hair and bright red eyes, like Zen. The second picture is of another female with blond hair and purple eyes, like Yoosung. The third picture is of a male with hair/color and eye/color, exactly like my girlfriend, Y/n. The pictures continue, and they all look exactly like each of the members in the opposite gender.
After everyone of the members in this chatroom post their pictures and decide that the messenger is fine, they talk as if they were the members I know. The females who were like Zen and Jumin were arguing over a million things. The blond girl acts like Yoosung normally would, talking about games and complaining about college. The brown haired male, who looks like Jaehee, complains about all the paper work they have to do. The blue haired female, who looks like Jihyun, talks about their latest photography shoot. The hair/color male, who looks like Y/n talks about how well the emails to the guests have been going. Finally, one of the red headed females was making jokes and the other red headed female was telling them to shut up, acting like Saeran and I normally would.
Finally, I read that everyone left the chatroom, and I close out of it. Suddenly, I realize that chatroom was made only a few hours ago, today. I feel a sudden rush of panic and fight come over me, so I quickly try to close out of the messenger. With my luck, however, I accidentally click on a new chatroom that was just made.
[Unknown has entered the chatroom.]
Who are you?Unknown:
Sorry.[Unknown has left the chatroom.]
I let out a scream as the female with red head, who acted like me, talked to me from the chat. As quick as I can I leave the chatroom and close out of the messenger program. I erase the computers memory and unplug it, running outside with the computer and monitor. I run past the kitchen, and I go outside to burn both the computer and monitor.
Your POV:
Saeran and I just finished eating our ice cream, when we hear Saeyoung let out a loud scream that echoed throughout the house. We both look over to where we heard the scream. I looked back to Saeran, who just shrugged and continued to clean the bowls and spoons we were using.
"Probably just a spider," Saeran guessed.
I laughed and started to help Saeran dry the bowls.
Just as we put the bowls and spoons away and are about to walk out of the kitchen, we see Saeyoung sprint by the kitchen, with something in his hands, and outside. Saeran and I look at each other for a moment before following my boyfriend. Saeyoung left the front door wide open, so we stopped walking right outside the door.
Outside we see Saeyoung with a lighter pointing down at something that looks like a destroyed computer and monitor. Saeran and I both raise an eyebrow, out of confusion. After seconds of holding the lighter to the electronics, they were actually set fire, and Saeyoung backs up. He looks over to us.
"There was a messenger program on this computer, just like the RFA! There were eight people who acted JUST like us!" Saeyoung yelled, almost screaming. "Then I entered one by accident, and one talked to me!"
Saeran and I just nodded and walked back inside. I closed the door behind us.
"Is that even safe?" I asked Saeran.
"I don't know," Saeran replied.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!
Requests are open.I am going to be trying to fix my punctuation errors (mainly with dialogue), so if I start re-publishing some oneshots, that's why.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*