Requested by: Humble_Bee101
Your POV:
I walked up to the doors to enter the party hall. Today is the RFA party, so I will be meeting all of the RFA members for the first time in person. Although I am ecstatic to meet each of the members in real life, I am embarrassed about my appearance, and honestly I'm very insecure about it as well. Everything from my weight to the way I look, I get very insecure about it when it comes to meeting people for the first time.
As I got to the doors, the lady, who was going through the guest list, nodded at me. Seven must have told her about me, since he is the only one who knows what I look like.
I was about to open the door, but a sudden wave of insecure thoughts flowed into my mind. I tried taking a deep breath to get rid of them, however they weren't going away. Tears started to fill my eyes, as I was starting to believe those thoughts, so I turned away from the door and started walking away.
'Maybe another day.'
I got a good distance away from the party hall door before I heard a familiar voice calling for me.
"Y/n!" It was unmistakably Seven's voice.
I wiped my tears away before turning back around to face the red-headed hacker. As I turned around, I saw Seven walking toward me.
"Y/n. You're going the wrong way. The party is this way." Seven said while pointing at the now open doors. "Did you forget something?"
"Well... Um..." I stuttered, failing to think of an excuse.
"Come on." Seven said with a smile and grabbed my hand.
Seven started to make his way back to the room where the RFA party is being held. Not wishing to be dragged, I started walking along with Seven, trying to catch up to his pace.
It didn't even take half a minute before Seven and I were in the party room. There were lots of tables with red table cloths draped over them. Over to the left of the whole room, there were three long tables full of all kinds of different food, desserts, and drinks.
Seven guided me over to where all the RFA members were standing, talking to each other.
"Everyone, this is Y/n." Seven announced to the group.
At the sound of Seven's voice, all six of the members turned around. They each took turns saying hello, as I whispered back one as well.
Seven being Seven, he started introducing me to everyone, as if we have never met before. The whole time Seven was doing this, the members were watching what seemed like ever movement I made. Even though I know they would never, it felt like I was in a room with a million people judging me for what I looked like. By the end, I'm in tears once again due to my insecure thoughts filling every little spot in my mind.
"Y/n. What's wrong?" Jaehee asked, worry filled her tone.
It felt like I couldn't hear anything but those thoughts, however at the same time, I could hear every word Jaehee just said. Though my tears, I felt a hand on my right shoulder.
I attempt to calm myself down, and surprisingly, it works. I wipe the tears on my face away and look up at the members. I look to my right and find it was Zen who put his hand on my shoulder. No one needs to ask why I suddenly started crying because I could see the question as if it was written on their faces.
I take a deep breath before trying to explain the truth.
"It's just that... I'm insecure and... embarrassed from the way I look." I whisper.
No one says anything for a moment, making the thoughts and whispers in my mind come back for a second. However, they disappear when Seven starts talking, and each of the members follow him.
"Aw, Y/n. We don't care about the way you look." Seven smiled.
"It's your personality that we care about." Jumin continued.
"You shouldn't feel embarrassed around us." Yoosung said.
"Plus, you're beautiful just the way you are." Zen praised.
"In reality, it doesn't matter about the way you look." Jaehee pointed out.
"You've helped each of us get through something difficult, so there is no way we would judge you over something silly like that." Saeran chimed in.
"You're perfect, Y/n. There's no need for you to feel embarrassed about yourself." Jihyun added.
After each of the members said something, I felt tears in my eyes again, but they were tears of happiness. I smiled, as I felt each and everyone of my insecurities go away.
"Thank you. I love you guys." I smiled.
I hugged each of the members.
"Let's go enjoy the party." Zen announced.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!
Requests are open.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
Fiksi PenggemarMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*