Requested by: motokoXD
Your POV:
As I sat on the couch in my living room, I looked through a photo book that was made by Jihyun from a couple months ago. It's cloudy outside, so doing something indoors would be a better option.
Opening the book, I look at the first picture. The picture shows Jihyun, Jumin, and I as little kids, only four years old, while we sat together on the slide from the playground that was in the park. I was in the middle of the of the two boys, Jihyun on my right with Jumin on my left. Jumin's father had the day off of work, so he decided to take us to the park. I smile at the picture, remembering.
"Jumin. Just sit down. It's only a little dirt." A four year old Jihyun sighs.
"Stop being a baby, Jumin." I add.
Jihyun and I sit at the top of the slide as we wait for Jumin to sit down with us, so Jumin's father can take a picture of us. Jumin was refusing to sit down with us, complaining about how there was too much dirt on the slide for him to sit down.
"Jumin. Please. I just want to show their parents what you guys did today." Jumin's father pleaded. "It will only be for a second."
As his father finished speaking, Jumin let out the most over dramatic sigh and sat down. Jihyun and I both laughed, as Jumin sat there with disgust written all over his face before forcing out a smile.
I turned through the next few pages, stopping every few pictures. About six pages in, I stopped at the sight of a certain picture. The picture was once again of Jihyun, Jumin, and I, and it was taken at our high school graduation. I looked over to the picture next to it, and it was of Jihyun when he won an award for his photography. I remember that day so clearly. It was a sunny afternoon when we arrived where the award ceremony was taking place. We were just out of high school. No one else could make it, except for me, so it was just Jihyun and I for the whole day. Jihyun was extremely nervous because he wanted to win that award so bad. When the announcer called Jihyun's name as the winner, Jihyun was so happy. That award meant a lot to him.
The next few pages were of his college years. After his college years, the next set of pictures were when I was just about to leave to go out of the country. My trip was meant to be a chance to experience new cultures. My leave was suppose to be for four years, but it got cut short to three years due to a major plane engine malfunction. I remember arriving home was one of the worse times ever. Over those three years I was gone, Jihyun and I lost contact. The original plan was for Jihyun to meet me at the airport, but since we weren't in contact, he wasn't there. Since Jihyun wasn't there, I grabbed my bags and went home by myself. On my way home, I decided to stop and get something to eat, however in the restaurant I choose, there was a man, who was unmistakably Jihyun, and a woman, who I later found out to be Rika, having a date together. Seeing the two together broke my heart. Ever since I left to go on that trip, I realized that I was in love with Jihyun this whole time and being away from him, hurt. I left the restaurant without being seen by the couple or getting any food, but I didn't go to a different restaurant, my appetite was already destroyed, along with my heart.
The photo book was pretty long, but as I neared the last few pages, they were of when I joined RFA a couple months ago. Joining RFA made my whole life better. I met amazing friends, I reunited with my old friends, and I was involved in something that helped others. Zen. Yoosung. Jaehee. Seven. Jumin. Jihyun.
Sadly everything must come to an end, as I reached the last page. The last page only had one picture on it. The picture was of the last group photo at the last RFA party. Everyone had a bright smile on their face. This party was when Saeran joined the RFA. Seven, now wanting to be called Saeyoung, found out everything about his brother and saved him. Jihyun apologized and explained himself every single time he saw Saeyoung. When Saeyoung realized how Jihyun was only trying to keep everyone safe, he immediately told Jihyun there was no need to worry. After that everything was fine, or so we thought.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*