Part 2 Requested by: JudyMysticMessenger
Your POV:
It's been two weeks since I was released from the hospital. While I was in the hospital, the RFA members stayed with me most of the time. The only time the members weren't there was when they had to go to work or school. Seven and Ray made up, and Seven explained their past to everyone. The brothers also agreed on being addressed by their real names. Saeyoung and Saeran. Saeran was reluctant at first, but he eventually gave in for him to be cured from the drug he was forced to take at Mint Eye. V's surgery went well, and now his vision and wound from Rika are fixed. As the last few days of my stay at the hospital approached, V offered for Saeran to join the RFA organization. Saeran declined at first, but I persuaded him to be the newest member of RFA.
Two weeks ago, when I was released from the hospital, I was still in the middle of recovering from the explosion at Mint Eye, but the doctors told me to take it easy and suggested for me to live with someone who would help with my recovery. Saeran immediately asked Saeyoung if I could move in with them, and Saeyoung agreed. Then, Saeran asked me if I would like to live with him and his brother for a while, and I happily agreed.
Living with the Choi twins wasn't so bad. Of course they argued almost non-stop, but there were also times where they would have a normal conversation or two. Although we had what feels like a million different conversations and memories, the moment when Saeran asked me why I mouthed 'I love you' to him on the first day I was conscious at the hospital, wouldn't leave my mind. Now that I've seen his real side, my reasons are endless. From the way his eyes brighten when he is eating ice cream to how protective he gets when I say something is causing me pain, I love it about him. Of course neither of us mentioned it since then, but the thought of being something along the lines of a couple, never left my mind.
Thankfully, after two weeks, my recovery is coming to an end, and I will be back to my normal health in no time. On the opposing side, I don't want my recovery to end because that would mean moving out of the Choi household and back into my apartment.
Now, I'm sitting on the couch in the living room of Saeyoung and Saeran's house, scrolling through the last chatroom that involved Saeyoung telling Yoosung that if he needs any help with school work to ask him. As I closed out of the chatroom, I heard light footsteps, gradually coming toward me.
"Y/n." A soft, familiar voice came from the entrance to the living room.
I turned around and saw the younger red-head with golden eyes that wouldn't leave my mind. Saeran walked toward the couch I was sitting on and sat at the other end.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Hi Y/n. Um... What are you doing?" Saeran asked with a light blush forming on his face.
"I was just reading through the last chatroom, since I missed it." I answered truthfully.
"Oh." Saeran paused for a moment. "So you're not doing anything right now?"
"Other than talking to you, no."
"Do you want to go to the park and walk around for a bit? If you're feeling okay that is." Saeran continued.
"Sure." I smiled and stood up.
Saeran returned a smile and stood up as well.
It didn't take long before we arrived at the park. At the entrance to the park, there was a bunch of people, but as we continued to walk through the park, the amount of people lessened to the point where there was no one around.
Saeran suggested that we walk to the pond that we would always have our RFA meetings at. On our way there, we saw a family of four, two adults and two kids around the same age, playing a small game of hide-and-seek on the playground. Saeran and I smiled at the family and continued walking to the pond.
It took only about five or six minutes before we arrived at the pond. The pond wasn't that large, but the trees, flowers, and green grass made the pond look beautiful. In mid-day, the pond doesn't have the sky reflecting it's colors on it as much as it does in the early morning or at sunset, however it is still beautiful as the small fish swim freely around in the clear water.
Saeran and I admired the pond in silence for a few seconds, before I caught a couple holding hands out of the corner of my right eye. I turned my head just a little, so I could see the two and not alert Saeran. The couple consisted of a girl with dark brown hair in a high ponytail and brown eyes, and a boy, slightly taller than her, with blue eyes and long blond hair that rested just above his shoulders. They held hands while talking and laughing with large smiles on each of their faces. For a moment, I picture myself and Saeran in their spots. I smile at the couple.
Abruptly, I feel someone's hand holding mine, and it snaps me out of my thoughts. I look back and see that Saeran is holding my hand, as he watches me with a small smile and dark blush across his face. I feel my face grow extremely hot, but I smile back and hold Saeran's hand as well.
"Hey. Y/n?" Saeran suddenly says.
"Yeah." I answer, looking into his golden eyes.
Saeran doesn't reply for a moment.
"I've thought over your words. The ones from the hospital." Saeran slowly says.
I know exactly what Saeran is talking about. My words from the conversation that has been present in my mind from the moment that conversation was over.
"Y/n. You mouthed 'I love you' to me. Why?"
"I don't know the exact reason why I love you, but I know you are a good person. You were just told to do the wrong thing, so I want to be able to fix it. I want to help teach you about the good things in life."
Back then, I was only just figuring out my feelings, so I had no idea what they meant. Now, I have what feels like thousands of reasons behind me saying those words to Saeran.
"And?" I ask.
"I wanted to know if you ever found the reason why you said those three words to me." He continued.
"I did. In fact, I found a lot more reasons then I ever thought I would." I answered with a smile.
"Good because I feel the same way." Saeran smiled back. "Ever since you came into my life, I found a reason to live. Every second that I spend with you makes me so happy. If you asked me if I thought I would see happiness in my future about a month ago, I would have said no, but that changed ever since you came."
Saeran paused for a moment. He looked to the ground, then back up at me.
"I want to cherish every moment with you, Y/n." Saeran continued. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"
I stared at Saeran. My answer is 'yes', but for some reason, I can't figure out how to say it. Instead, I nod and smile.
A big smile appears on Saeran's face, as he wraps arms around my waist bringing me into an embrace. I return the embrace by gently resting my arms around Saeran's neck. It didn't take long before Saeran pulled me into a kiss. I kissed Saeran back, but the kiss only lasted a few seconds.
"I love you, Y/n." Saeran smiled, breaking the kiss.
I let out a small laugh as I smiled back at my boyfriend.
"I love you too, Saeran."
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!
Requests are open.Also, not that I'm sure anyone did but whatever, if anyone knows the reference I made as to who the couple were, without looking it up, comment below. (Hint: they're from a 3 book series that is printed in US and Canada(not sure if it is printed anywhere else).) I'm just curious if anyone is familiar with the books I read. This isn't important to the oneshot, but I'm just curious if anyone has read the series.
Oh! And credit to the author(of the series) for they're description.(not sure if by making a reference you have to write that or not? doing it just in case though.)

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*