~Soulmate AU Series~
AU: If you sleep(and your soulmates awake), you can see what their doing.Warning: Jaehee Route & After Ending Spoilers
Your POV:
My eyes jolted awake at the sudden alarm going off beside me. As I roll over to my side, I reach my arm out to shut the obnoxious alarm off. I let out an audible sigh, rubbing my eyes with bags under them.
For the past few years, I've been having dreams about constant, never ending work. I knew those dreams were of what my soulmate was doing, and I figured they were in a different time zone. One night, however, they looked at a clock and it read 22:00(10:00pm). Even though I was asleep, the dream only just started, and I was only awake a few minutes ago.
The past few nights have been different. My soulmate was working on business papers for what seemed like a coffee shop. To my luck, they always had a mirror slightly to their left, so I was able to see my soulmate has short brown hair, brown eyes with a hint of a golden color in them, and a woman-like figure.
I look at my clock, seeing it's 9:00 in the morning. Another sigh leaves my mouth, as I need to find a job. My mind goes back to my dream from last night. I imagine working for my soulmate. A nice small coffee shop that would grow as the years went on. More and more people walking in the doors everyday. Turning international and being the boss of it all. But most importantly, we would be together, and we get though everyday with loving and supporting one other. Of course these imaginations are only fantasies of mine, so I get ready for the day, leaving my fantasies behind.
As I get back home, I walk into my bathroom. It's now 20:00(8:00pm), and I've had no luck at finding a job
I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder if my soulmate will ever be in my life. My mind goes back to the imagination I had earlier. A smile appears on my face, but it soon fades, as I know that most likely won't happen. Instead of thinking too much, I get changed into my pajamas and head to bed.
Last night I couldn't see anything for a while, but I soon found myself in a city, like the one where my apartment is located. The weird thing was, I saw myself not my soulmate. I walked through the city until I reached a shop. Both the outside decorations and inside interior were amazing. I walked inside the shop, but I didn't see anyone there. Suddenly, I saw a woman's figure with short brown hair and brownish, golden eyes. However all I could see were her eyes, hair, and body shape everything else was a blur. They started to speak to me, but I couldn't understand any of it. Sadly, that was the end, and I woke up.
I shake away my thoughts from last night, and I start to get ready for the day.
As I walk through the city, I start to get a weird feeling, like I've done this before. I continue walking until I see a new shop. It's a coffee shop, like the one in my dream from last night. My eyes widen at how amazing the shop's outside looks. I see the shop has an open sign and a "Help Wanted" sign as well.
I walk inside the shop. No one is around, but the interior is amazing as well. Suddenly, I heard footsteps from behind the counter. I look over, only to see a woman. She looked exactly like my soulmate when they were doing paper work, and she looked exactly like the woman from my dream last night.
"Hello. How may I-" She stops mid sentence, like how you do when you recognize someone you haven't seen in a while.
"My name is Jaehee." The woman smiles.
"Y/n." I smile back.
I don't need to think twice about her being my soulmate. The papers, her appearance, my dream from last night, it all adds up. My feet are suddenly walking toward her.
"I dreamed of you and this place." I announce, looking around my soulmate's shop in awe.
"So did I." She admits. "Although it wasn't for long. I dreamed of your appearance and meeting you here."
I then realize she must have been watching me as I was awake at 20:00(8:00pm). She was asleep, therefore she was able to watch what I was doing. We were both sleeping, so we both had the same dream of meeting each other for the first time.
I look back to Jaehee. She looks stressed and overwhelmed, but happy at the same time. My thoughts travel to my fantasy I had the other day of working together, creating a business, and building that business up all with love and support.
"I would like to apply for the job." I smiled at her.
"That depends. Do you know how to work in a coffee shop?" She asked, half joking, half not.
"Kind of, but you can teach me, right?" I smirked.
"Of course." She laughed.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed reading!
Remember requests are always open.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*