Requested by: Jaypuppybunny
Yoosung's POV:
As I knock on Saeyoung's front door, I take a step back and wait for him to reach the door. Earlier today, I asked Saeyoung if he would help me with something. I've had a crush on Y/n for the longest time now, yet I have no idea how to go about it the right way. I asked Zen once, but he told me I have no chance with her in the nicest way possible.
It only took seconds before Saeyoung opens the door and lets me in. After I am inside, Saeyoung closes the door, and we walk to the living room, sitting down on the couch.
"What do you need me to help you with?" Saeyoung asks.
"Well... I've a crush on Y/n. I really want to ask her out, but I have no idea how to," I admit. "I wanted to see if you would be able to help me."
Saeyoung doesn't reply. Instead Saeyoung looks to the floor, as if he is thinking of a response. I feel myself starting to playing with my hands to look busy.
"Saeyoung?" I ask. "What's wrong?"
"It's just that I like Y/n in the same way," Saeyoung replies.
An awkward tension fills the room, as neither of us speak. I look away from Saeyoung, thinking about how one of my closest friends could have a crush on the girl I like. There's finally someone I have a crush on and want to be with in my life, but my close friend has a crush on her too.
"Um... I think I have to get back to class," I say the first excuse that comes to mind.
I stand up from the couch and leave the room, avoiding eye contact with Saeyoung. I make my way to the front door as quick as I can.
Third Person POV:
It's been weeks since Yoosung and Saeyoung have spoken to each other. They act fine when talking to each other in the chatroom, but outside of the chatroom, they don't speak to each other. Before the two of them told each other about their crush on Y/n, Yoosung and Saeyoung would always call and text each other.
As the days and chatrooms pass, Yoosung starts to notice Y/n talking about all the glitches on her RFA app. Immediately after Y/n talks about her app, Saeyoung offers to fix them and Y/n happily agrees. Yoosung knows this is Saeyoung's way of trying to get close to Y/n and gets mad at Saeyoung for doing so. Yoosung then offers Y/n for him to make some home made meals for her. Y/n says yes to Yoosung's offer, and she often goes over to Yoosung's apartment to made the meals with him. Yoosung and Saeyoung go back and forth with their "war" for weeks more. They try doing other things with Y/n, some times she goes and other times she is busy.
Finally, the wait for the RFA party is over. Both Yoosung and Saeyoung have plans to ask Y/n out on a date at the end of the party, but neither know the other is going to do so.
Saeyoung's POV:
It's now the end of the RFA party, and the party was held to a big success. We got a lot more donations than we have for any of our other parties.
I quickly glance around the room, looking for Y/n. I feel a sudden nervousness wash over me, as I think about all the possible outcomes of asking Y/n out on a date. She could say yes, no, maybe. She could say a million things.
Finally, I spot Y/n in the corner of the room, cleaning up one of the tables. I smile at her and start to walk over, but my smile soon fades, as I see Yoosung walking over to her.
I hasten my speed, starting to panic, and reach Y/n the same time Yoosung does.
"Y/n," Yoosung and I call for Y/n concurrently.
Y/n immediately turns around and smiles at us. Her beautiful hair/color hair falls perfectly, and her eye/color eyes shine so bright. In my eyes, everything about her is amazing.
"Yes-" Y/n starts, but Jaehee walks over to us.
"Y/n, I need to talk to you in private," Jaehee says, sounding urgent.
"Of course," Y/n answers, as Jaehee walks a couple steps away, then she turns to us. "Sorry, guys. I'll talk to your after I see what Jaehee wants."
We both nod, and Y/n walks over to Jaehee. Yoosung and I stand there in an awkward silence. It's clear we both had made plans to ask Y/n out after the party.
"Y/n. We've been friends for a long time, and you have been by my side ever since the first day you joined RFA. We have been around each other for so long, I started to grow feelings for you. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me," I hear Jaehee say from where she and Y/n are standing.
I feel my heart drop. I look over to Yoosung, and he stands there with his eye wide, probably in surprise.
"Yes!" Y/n cheers.
As I take a quick glance over to where I saw the girls walk to, I see Y/n and Jaehee hug. I sigh and turn back to Yoosung.
"I'm sorry, Saeyoung," Yoosung apologizes. "I'm sorry I was rude to you over both of us liking Y/n. I should have never acted like that to you. That's not what a friend would have done."
"It's okay. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you away. That was wrong," I apologize as well.
"Do you want to go get ice cream after we finish helping clean up?" Yoosung asks.
"Sure," I answer.
Third Person POV:
Yoosung and Saeyoung continue to ask the other members of RFA if they wanted to go get ice cream together after they are all finished with cleaning up the party. Each of the members said they already had plans though.
After everything is clean, everyone says their goodbyes to each other and leave the party hall. Yoosung and Saeyoung go get ice cream to make up for the time they lost while they were too busy fighting each other for Y/n.
As the two eat their ice cream, little do they both know that over the course of their fighting they both started to grow a little crush and longing for the other.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!
Requests are closed.Sorry to the requester for taking so long to write this. I didn't mean for it to take this long.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*