Request by: paintergirlcm
Third Person POV:
"Yoosung." Saeyoung whispered into his boyfriend's ear, who was asleep on his books in the kitchen.
Seven smiled to himself as he watched Yoosung's back rise and fall with every breath he took. The red head pulled out the chair that was right next to the chair Yoosung was sitting on. An audible sigh left Seven's lips as he ran his fingers through Yoosung's soft blond hair.
The two stayed as they were for a couple of minutes until Yoosung slowly became aware of his surroundings. The blond head opened his eyes, slowly lifting his head. Yoosung sat up as Seven removed his hand from the blond's head.
Yoosung looked around, still half asleep. His eyes glanced at his books and scanned the whole room, however they stopped at his loving boyfriend's golden eyes. The hacker had a huge smile on his face.
"Good morning, Yoosung!" Seven greeted in a cheerful voice.
"Morning." Yoosung tiredly replied.
"Have fun studying?" Seven asked, once again in a cheerful tone.
Yoosung looked at the red headed male and decided to not reply.
"So no?" Seven questioned further.
"What time is it?" Yoosung asked, ignoring his lover.
"It's eleven o'clock in the morning, and I have the perfect day planned for us!" The red head answered, pretty much jumping out of the chair he was sitting on.
Yoosung looked at his lover mentally questioning himself if Seven will play pranks on him or if Seven genuinely wants to spend the day together.
"Don't worry. We're just going to watch movies and play LOLOL together!" Seven reassured Yoosung.
"Okay." Yoosung answered, still a little skeptical since the red head still likes playing prank on him even though they are together.
"We'll start the day by playing LOLOL!" Seven yelled and ran into the other room.
Yoosung sighed and walked in the direction of his boyfriend.
"UGH!!" Yoosung yelled in frustration at his computer screen.
It's been a few hours since Seven and Yoosung started playing LOLOL. Yoosung sat at his desk with his newly bought computer on the one side of the room, while Seven sat at the other. A few days after Yoosung had moved in with Seven, the two set up a room full of computers for the two of them and whoever wants to go on one.
"Why can't anyone play they game right! Someone's always hacking!" Yoosung started to yell louder when he got hit one last time and died.
Before this round started, Seven was kicked from the lobby for some reason and a new player joined in less than half a second. The mode they were playing was a 2v2, however Yoosung and Seven agreed, when joining the lobby, that they would be on different teams. As the round continued, Yoosung started to notice the other play was hacking with speed and the hit range.
Yoosung and his teammate were soon out of lives and the other team won. Leaving the lobby immediately, Yoosung let out a sigh of frustration and leaned back on his desk chair.
Behind the frustrated blond was his red headed boyfriend laughing so hard he fell out of his desk chair. Yoosung turned around from the loud noise and laughter, and he saw Seven rounding back and forth, like you're suppose to do when there's a fire on your clothing, on the ground laughing. Yoosung then looked up and saw that the monitor next to his lover's desk was on, with the LOLOL lobby that he was just in.
"That was you!" Yoosung yelled at his boyfriend, who's laughing died down a bit.
"Yeah." Seven managed to say after he stopped laughing.
Yoosung was at a loss for words. After the first few rounds of LOLOL, he truly thought Seven wasn't going to prank him. Instead of getting even more mad, Yoosung simply logged out of LOLOL, turned off his computer, and went into the living room.
Seven followed his boyfriend after turning both computers off. Seven walked into the living room and saw Yoosung looking through all the movies they had.
"Can you make popcorn?" Yoosung said, not turning away from searching for a movie.
"You're not mad?" Seven cautiously asked, standing at the door way.
"Nah. I'm over it, I guess." Yoosung answered as he found a movie he wanted to watch.
Yoosung stood up with the movie in his hand and walked over to the TV. Seven saw this as his chance to go into the kitchen and make the popcorn Yoosung wanted, but of course he would not forget to grab a few bags of his favorite chip of all time too.
Close to two hours later, the movie was finally over. Yoosung fell asleep in the middle of it, but then he woke up with only about ten minutes left. It was now dinner time, and the couple really wanted something to eat.
"We should cook something together!" Yoosung suggested with a smile.
"I don't really know how to cook that well." Seven admitted.
"Don't worry! I'll teach you! Come on." Yoosung said, standing up from the couch.
Seven watched as his lover held out a hand with a huge smile on his face. The red head couldn't help but laugh as he took Yoosung's hand. Yoosung then helped Seven up. As Seven got on his feet, he kissed his lover's lips.
"I love you, Seven." Yoosung said with bright red blush on his face, as he broke the kiss.
"I love you too. Now lets make some food. I'm starving."
A/n: I hope you enjoyed reading!
Requests are open.Just a heads up, my cousins will soon be visiting for a vacation(I'm not sure how long), as of Monday. My family and I spend pretty much all day with them, so updates will be (even) slower than usual. In advance, I'm really sorry if updates are slow.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*