Requested by: AdorableSnowCookie
Your POV:
"Yoosung! NO!" I yell into my microphone, as Yoosung died to the boss we are fighting.
"Sorry, Y/n," Yoosung apologizes, from the other side of the screen.
Yoosung and I met two years ago in LOLOL, the game we are currently playing. At first, we were just in the same match as teammates, but as time past, we started playing together a lot more. Now, we play together almost everyday. We joke around, talk about our lives, complain about college. Yoosung will sometimes vent about his late-cousin's fiance, but he tries to stay off of that topic.
About twenty minutes ago, Yoosung and I oddly logged onto LOLOL at the same time. We decided on going into one of the more difficult dungeons. We got through most of it, but at the final boss, Yoosung and I lost every healing item we had. I said we would be fine, but without any healing items, I was quickly proven wrong.
I hear Yoosung sigh from my headphones. Attempting to show off, I run close to the boss and attack it. That doesn't work out so well, as the boss then takes out its most powerful move and uses it. I instantly die.
The respawn screen shows up, as Yoosung starts laughing. I feel my face grow warm as I hear Yoosung's genuine laugh. I smile and laugh a little in response.
A couple days ago, I realized I have had a crush on Yoosung this entire time. We have only ever seem each other through our computer screens, but it's not that different from real life. His smile. His laugh. His defeated sighs. The excited "yes" he screams out after killing a boss or difficult enemy. When he does this, I imagine him jumping out of his chair with a bright smile before panicking, realizing he still has to fight off some others and quickly attempts to get his chair, he just pushed back, with one hand, as the other swings his sword around in the game to protect himself.
"PVP instead?" Yoosung asks.
"Sure," I answer, clicking the respawn option.
Yoosung and I play against each other for a couple of rounds. As each round passes, I notice Yoosung gets quieter and quieter with each round. He's never this quiet while playing.
"Another win for me," Yoosung says, as he kills me on my last life.
"Yeah," I reply. "Hey. Yoosung? Are you okay?"
"Of course. Why?" Yoosung asks.
"I don't know. You're never this quiet while we're playing," I pause for a moment. "I'm worried."
"It-It's nothing. Thanks for worrying though, Y/n," Yoosung responds.
"Yoosung. I've known you for two years now. I know you're lying. Please tell me," I plea.
"Fine. I'm just stressed," Yoosung says.
"About?" I question further.
"Well... Like you said, we've known each other for two years. I was just wondering if you would like to meet up," Yoosung continues. "In the real world. I want to see what you look like standing in front of me. Not through a screen."
"Are you crazy? Of course. I would love too!" I smile. "Where, though?"
Yoosung then explains how he would like to meet at his favorite cafe. Luckily, the cafe is only about a twenty minute walk from my apartment, so I agree. We decide on meeting each other tomorrow, since neither of us have classes.
I left my apartment close to twenty minutes ago, as I arrive at the cafe Yoosung was talking about. It's a smaller sized cafe with windows all around the front and two sides. From looking in the front window, it looks as if there are only a few booths along the walls and a couple more tables to sit at.
I walk over to the front entrance and start to grab the door handle, when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and see Yoosung running toward me. His blond hair falls perfectly as he runs, and his bright purple eyes are wide with happiness. I smile him.
The second Yoosung reaches me, he throws his arms around me, bringing me into a tight hug. I immediately hug Yoosung back. We stay hugging each other for a moment, before letting go.
"Hi Yoosung. It's nice to meet you," I smile.
"Hi Y/n. It's nice to meet you too," Yoosung smiles in response.
"Shall we go in?" I ask, placing my hand on the door handle.
"Actually. I have a better idea," Yoosung says. "Follow me."
Yoosung gently takes my hand in his and starts to walk off. I take my hand off the door to the cafe and follow Yoosung.
We walk for a couple minutes. I ask him where we are going two or three times, but he says it's a surprise each time.
Finally, we arrive at the park that is near the cafe, and Yoosung stops walking under a tree. The tree stands tall with bright green leaves and a light brown trunk. Nearby is a small pond with clear water and about twenty fish swimming around in it.
I look over to Yoosung, who now has bright red cheeks. Yoosung takes a deep breath and gently takes my other hand in his.
"Y/n. I know we don't really know each other outside of LOLOL, but I can't hold back this feeling I get when I talk to you. You make me so happy, and I feel I can do anything if you encourage me. That's why I was able to get through so much of the stuff that happened with my cousin," Yoosung pauses for a moment. "Oh. Sorry for mentioning her. I just-"
"No. No. It's okay. Continue," I smile.
"Y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?" Yoosung asks.
"Of course," I answer happily.
Yoosung smiles and wraps his arms around me, bringing me into an embrace. I return the embrace by wrapping my arms around him.
"Thank you Y/n. You're so special to me," Yoosung whispers.
"You're special to me as well," I whisper in return.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!
Requests are closed.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*