Your POV:
I sat on the living room couch while I kept my eyes glued on the doorway, waiting for my boyfriend to walk through. Today is Halloween, supposedly one of the most haunted days of the year or something along those lines.
It's only lunch time, and Saeyoung and I have been in a prank war all day. These aren't your normal everyday pranks either. It seems some of the pranks have been well thought out and planned, but in reality, I only just came up with these pranks today. Saeyoung may have been planning a few pranks, but I doubt he planned every single one of them over the year. The pranks have ranged from fake blood scattered everywhere with special effect makeup on skin to just a simple fake spider laying on a piece of furniture.
I watched the doorway for a few more seconds before taking my eyes off to reach for my phone. I grab my phone then look back to the doorway. Still not there. I let out a sigh of relief.
Abruptly, I see Saeyoung's figure at the doorway, walking in. I study his movements, and he seems to pick up on this.
Saeyoung walks over to the couch adjacent to the one I'm sitting on. Still, I'm watching every sudden move he makes. Saeyoung sighs and sits down.
"Y/n, babe. I think this has gone too far." Saeyoung announced, but he really sounded genuine. "We're both freaked out, so we should call a truce to this prank war."
"What are you planning?" I asked, unsure if he is serious or not.
"Nothing." He replied.
I gave Saeyoung a look of disbelief.
"Really. Please. Y/n, I just want to spend some time with you..." Saeyoung paused for a moment. "Without being on edge."
I watched as Saeyoung's eyes grew that pleading, puppy look. Now I know he's really just wants this to end. Both of us are so on edge that being in the same room terrifies us.
"Okay. Truce?" I held out my hand.
Saeyoung started to hold out his hand before I stopped him.
"Wait! Show me your hands." I demanded.
Saeyoung showed me both of his hands. There was no metal on his hands, so he is safe to shake hands with, without being shocked.
We both shook hands and officially called a truce on this prank war. Saeyoung immediately brought me into an embrace. I returned his genuine action, by wrapping my arms around him. I felt Saeyoung's soft lips press against my forehead for a couple of seconds.
"As much as I love pulling pranks on you Y/n, I hate being scared to be around you." Saeyoung said after resting his head on my shoulder.
"Yeah. I feel the same." I replied.
"I love you Y/n. Happy Halloween." Saeyoung smiled.
"Love you too, Saeyoung. Happy Halloween." I smiled in return.
We stayed silent for a moment.
"Can we cuddle now?" Saeyoung pleaded.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!Happy Halloween everyone!

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*