~Soulmate AU Series~
AU: Both you and your soulmate can communicate through your thoughtsYour POV:
Summer vacation is close, but there still are days of college left. Days full of studying, learning, and stress. Today was the day where I have a final math exam.
As I walked into the class everyone is talking and not looking over their notes. I sigh at how ignorant this class can be. However I look over to a certain blond-haired student who looks to be well rested and is looking over his notes. His name is Kim Yoosung. We are the same age, and his grades were rapidly improving over the weeks.
I find an open seat and sit down. After looking over the notes I had for a final time, the bell rang and we were all told to put any helpful materials away. The professor tells everyone to take out a pencil and starts passing out the exam. My heart rate increases, as this exam might make or break my grade.
Finally, I get my exam and look at the first question. My heart beat slows down a bit, as it was something I just looked over. I finish the problem, and take a deep breath before witting down my answer.
A few minutes later, I'm now starting problem four. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice in my head repeat problem one on the exam. I know immediately who it is, my soulmate.
"You're only on problem one." I reply through my thoughts.
"No, I did problems two through four. I just skipped problem one." My soulmate answered. Their voice was one I've hear before, but I can't pin point who he is.
"Wait! You're doing this same math exam!" I realize. My eyes go wide, as I look at numbers two through four and see they are fairly easy.
I look up at the professor and see he is probably grading a paper. With my head slightly down, my eyes shift around the room. I look at each of the students, however everyone is looking down at their papers. Since this math should be easy and I still have an hour, I continue to look around the class until my eyes meet with the blond-haired student I saw, walking into class.
"Yoosung." I smile.
"Y/n." He smiles back, but glaces to the professor then down at his paper. I do the same.
"I'm not giving you the answer, but I'll give a hint. Is that okay?" I say through my thoughts.
"Please! I never understood these types of math problems." He begs.
It takes every bone in my body to not laugh at his cuteness. I tell him only one word about the problem, but by the tone of his 'okay' in reply, I know he understands now.
Now that I think about it, the day we learned this lesson Yoosung was absent. I remember him coming back to class the next day, and the professor refused to teach him about the lesson.
"We should probably do our exam now. I know you weren't here the day we were taught this lesson, so I can tutor you if you'd like?" I offer.
"I'd love for you tutor me! Can we meet at lunch?"
I walk into the lunch area. My eyes search for my blond headed soulmate. However, I couldn't find him. I sigh, thinking he doesn't want me to tutor him.
"Hey." A familiar voice says behind me. I turn around, only to see Yoosung walking to me with his books.
"I thought you weren't going to come because you didn't want to be tutored." I answer.
"I know." He replies, laughing. "I heard."
My face turns red in embarrassment.
"Oh, right. I forgot that we can sometimes communicate through our thoughts." I awkwardly laugh, trying to hide the embarrassment.
"Anyway, when do you want me to tutor you?" I say, hoping Yoosung will forget about what just happened.
"Whenever you have time." He responded.
"We can have dinner at my place and I can tutor you then. Is that okay?" I suggest with a smile.
"Sure." Yoosung agreed, smiling back.
I gave him my address and what time he should come over. Suddenly, Yoosung's phone started to ring. He said it was an important call, and he had to take it. Before leaving, Yoosung kissed my head and answered his call.
"Seven! I met my soulmate!" The blond head exclaimed, walking away.
A smile appears on my face as I heard Yoosung continue to talk about me to this person named Seven. However, that smile disappears as I realize I have no more classes with him. Shortly after I smile again as I heard Yoosung's voice in my head say he can't wait to see me again.
"I heard that." I say through my thoughts.
"Oh. It's true though."
A/n: I hope you enjoyed reading!
Remember requests are always open.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*