JuminxReader ~ Vacation With RFA (Pt.2/Final)

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Your POV:

After Jumin and I bring all our belongings to our room for the next few weeks, we walk downstairs and see everyone talking.

I walk over to Seven and Yoosung, who were still talking about the water park we saw earlier. I quickly join their conversation, talking about the water slide that caught my attention.

Unknowingly, I left Jumin to walk to the couch alone and sit.


Third Person POV:

As everyday past, Y/n talked and focused on each of the RFA members which only caused more and more jealously to build up inside her boyfriend.

Every night, Jumin would hold Y/n closer, but Y/n didn't question it because she knew Jumin has different ways of showing his affection.

Jumin told himself all the jealously building inside him didn't matter. All he wanted was for his lover to be happy and enjoy the time they had. However, Jumin knew, deep inside, all the jealously that was building up inside was going to burst one day or another.


Your POV:

Today was the day we were going to spend the day at the pool. Jumin and V had rented it for the day, so we wouldn't have anyone bothering us or asking questions.

As we arrived at the pool area, Yoosung realized he forgot his towel. Seven, Zen, and I started laughing at the poor boy, who was surprisingly studying before we left the hotel. I stopped laughing, as I remembered Yoosung was trying to improve his grade to graduate, and offered to walk back to the place with him. V gave me the key to get inside, and I walked back to the hotel with Yoosung to get his towel, that was probably on the couch.


"Thanks for walking back to the hotel with me, Y/n." Yoosung said as we got back to the pool. I look and see each of the members in the pool, but Jumin.

"No problem, Yoosung." I say with a smile.

We walk to the chairs as we both laid our towels down. I choose the chair right next to the one Jumin was sitting in.

"Hey, Jumin. What's wrong?" I ask, sitting on his chair. I gently rest my hand on top of his, as he looks up.

"Don't worry about it, love. Everything's fine. Go enjoy time with the members." He replied with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but notice it looked a bit forced. I nod and walk to the pool, not wanting to upset him.

Just as I reach the pool, I look over to Jumin.

'He doesn't look okay.' I thought and mentally sighed.

Shaking off the thoughts, I jump in the pool and swim under water over to Zen to try and scare him. My plan quickly fails as he turns around, right as I bring my head above water. He starts laughing as well as the other members in the pool.

My face flushes red in embarrassment because my pranks usually never fail. Zen notices this, and pulls me into a hug.

As I hug Zen back, I hear Jumin say something behind us. I turn around and see that he's already out of his chair and storming away. Immediately, I let go of Zen. 

"Jumin!" I yell, hoping he'll wait for me.

He keeps walking.

"Sorry, Y/n. I didn't think-" Zen started, most likely thinking he did something wrong.

"No. It's fine." I cut Zen off. "It's my fault."

Everyone was silent as I swam out of the pool, quickly grabbed my towel, and ran in the direction Jumin stormed off.


"Jumin..." I quietly say, as I found my boyfriend about a block from the pool area.

"..." I only got silence in return.

"Hey, please talk to me." I ask, sitting down next to him.

"I'm fine." He says, writing in the sand under were we sat.

We sat at the beach on some rocks, right near the boardwalk.

"This is because I've been with the other members, right?" I ask, hoping for an answer.

"Somewhat." He answers in a quiet tone.

"I'm sorry. It's been forever since I've seen them all in person, and I kind of... maybe... forgot you." I say.

I don't get an answer. So, I give a small, awkward laugh.

"That sounded VERY bad." I reply, emphasizing the 'very'.

He nods in response.

"I'm sorry. So s-so sorry." I stutter out. A few tears left my eyes, as I realize that I've never really spent time with Jumin on this vacation.

Suddeny, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Jumin staring at me with worried eyes.

"It's okay. I should have said something." Jumin finally said.

"I love you, Jumin and I'm so sorry for what I did. I'll pay equal attention to all RFA members, from now on." I smile, hoping Jumin will be happier.

"I want the most attention." Jumin replies like a stubborn little child. I giggle a little at his comment. "And I love you too, Y/n."

Jumin pulls me into an embrace. I lean back a little bit to kiss him, but he already beat me to it by kissing me. We keep the kiss short, since we're still in public.

"Can we go back now?" I ask, breaking our kiss.

Jumin nods, and we walk back to the pool area together.


"Is (movie/name) okay?" I ask everyone.

After we came back to the hotel, we already ate dinner, so we all decided to watch a movie.

All the members agree and I start the movie.

I walked over to Jumin and sat next to him. His arm made it's way around me, as I cuddled closer to him.

"Again, I'm sorry for ignoring you." I whisper to my loving boyfriend, as the movie plays opening credits.

"How many times are you going to apologize, Y/n? I forgive you. We all make mistakes." Jumin whispers back.

I smile and gently kiss his cheek. He looks at me with a huge, genuine smile across his face.

"I love you, Y/n." Jumin whispers.

"I love you too, Jumin." I whisper in return, and rest my head on his shoulder.

Jumin lightly picks me up, to re-position himself. Now, I'm on Jumin's lap with his arms wrapped protectively around me.

A/n: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Remember, requests are always open.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be making a boyfriend(+girlfriend) scenario book within the next few days! I will probably post a 'A/n' part soon, stating the book is released, so if you enjoy reading my oneshots, you might like this book as well.

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