Requested by: maple_loving_mattie
Zen's POV:
As I opened my eyes, I heard a loud coughing noise. I quickly checked my phone and saw it was midnight. After putting my phone down, I sit up and look beside me, where the noise was coming from. Right beside me, lays my girlfriend, who just moved in with me, coughing non-stop. Y/n is under the blankets with her elbow covering her mouth, as she continues to cough.
Since her back is to me, I gently rub my hand up and down her upper back. A few seconds later, Y/n's coughing to a stop, and she turns over to face me.
"Did I wake you?" Y/n says in a low, strained voice. "I'm sorry."
"Y/n. You don't have to be sorry. Are you okay?" I ask, resting my hand on her forehead to check if she has a fever.
After resting my hand on her forehead, her forehead is very hot.
"You definitely have a fever, babe. I'll be right back." I say before getting out of bed to get a cold wet cloth and a thermometer, to double check.
About a minute later, I'm back in the room with Y/n, and I am checking her temperature. I take the thermometer out from her mouth and look at the number. 101 F(38.3333 C). As I place the thermometer aside, I lay the damp, cold, wet cloth over my girlfriend's forehead.
"Try to go back to sleep, Y/n." I tell her. "I'll be right here. Wake me up if you need anything, okay?"
Y/n nods her head and closes her eyes.
It's now the morning, and I just got off the phone with the director to call out of rehearsal. I head back into our room to see that Y/n is now awake and sitting up on the bed with the now dry cloth on the nightstand. I purposely called the director in my living room, to avoid waking my sleeping girlfriend.
"How are you feeling?" I ask right before checking her temperature again.
"The same." She replies after I take out the thermometer.
I look at the number on the thermometer. 100.76 F(38.2 C).
"I'll be right back." I say before walking out of the room with the thermometer and cloth in my hand.
I close the bedroom door and get out my phone. I call Jaehee, knowing she will know what to do, and I walk into the kitchen, placing down the thermometer and cloth on the table.
After a few seconds, Jaehee answers.
"Hello?" Jaehee says from the other side of the phone.
"Hey, Jaehee. I need your help." I reply.
"With what?" Jaehee asks.
"Y/n is sick. I have an idea of what to do, but I'm not one hundred percent sure." I admit.
"Making her soup, letting her rest, and making sure she is happy are all things that would help." Jaehee suggests.
"I'll try those. Thanks Jaehee. Good luck with work. Bye." I say.
"Good bye." Jaehee replies, hanging up.
I put my phone down and look around to see if I have any of the ingredients to make Y/n's favorite soup. Luckily, I do, so I get everything out and start to make it.
After I get everything ready and it starts cooking, I go back into our room. Y/n is on her phone, probably talking in the chatroom or emailing guests.
"You should be resting you know." I say, causing her to look up at me.
"You were taking too long to get back, so I went on my phone." Y/n replies.
"Here. Let me take you to the couch." I smile at her before picking her up, bridal style, and taking her out to the living room.
I place Y/n on the couch and head back into our room to get some pillows and blankets for her.
"Can you get my phone charger too?" Y/n yells from the living room.
I let out a sigh and place Y/n's phone charger on top of the pile I made of pillows and blankets.
After getting back into the living room, I help Y/n set up all the pillows and blankets before heading back into the kitchen. By the time I get back into the kitchen, the soup is almost done. I get out a bowl and a spoon. I test the soup to see if it is finished, but it needs about another minute. After stirring around the soup, I notice that I still didn't put the thermometer and cloth away, so I do that.
When the soup is finished, I put some in a bowl and take it out to Y/n, along with a spoon. Y/n smiles and thanks me before she takes it and eats it. After Y/n is finished eating, she places the empty bowl on the table. She then cuddles back into the blankets and rests her head on the pillows.
"Zen." Y/n says, just as I get back into the living room from taking the spoon and empty bowl to the kitchen.
"Yes, babe." I reply, sitting next to her on the couch.
"Can you sing for me?" She asks with a smile.
I smile and agree to sing to her. I ask if she wants me to sing a specific song, but all she says is to sing the songs from my new musical. I smile once more, before I start to sing the opening song.
I get to the middle of the second song from the musical I am starring in, before I notice Y/n has fallen asleep. I smile and slowly stop singing.
Knowing how fast I get back to health, I cuddle next to Y/n and wrap my arms around her. In her sleep, Y/n cuddles as close as she can to me and rests her head on my chest. I kiss her head before closing my eyes and falling asleep, as well.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!
Requests are open.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*