Requested by: Trash22
Your POV:
I closed out of my phone and put it in the pocket of my uniform, and I stared out of the front window of my newly improved car.
Being a cop doesn't mean your constantly tracking down criminals or stopping rebel teens from doing harm to the community, well not in this town anyway, and being the leader of a group only really means you make the big decisions, the others are to do most of the actual cop work. Well, that's what I heard. I am one of the select few who have made it far enough to become one of those leaders. Since I was only promoted to being a leader a exactly one week ago, I've been listening to all of my fellow officers, who are also leaders, and they say the would rather be demoted.
I let out a sigh and reached for my phone for about the hundredth time today. I was just about to grab my phone when I heard my walkie-talkie go off and my boss's voice boom through.
"Officer (last/name)." My boss's deep voice could scare anyone, but I've gotten used to it. "There was just a report on a robbery at the local hospital. Criminal has no weapon and is unmasked. Get there immediately."
"Got it." I replied into the walkie-talkie.
I took a deep breath, as I turned on my car lights and speed of in the direction of the hospital.
It was only a matter of seconds before I walked into the hospital with the rest of my group following shortly behind. Before I even got into the hospital waiting room, I saw a figure in the middle of the room with a bag, and everyone was trying to get as far away from the figure as the could with only little movement.
I opened the front doors to the hospital, but I let my group go in front of me. They surrounded the robber, but they each kept a good amount of distance between themselves and the robber. I watched the person for about two seconds before walking into the hospital. Their figure was quite thin, looked to be a little over 170 cm, and they looked awfully familiar. Their back was facing me with a hood up, so I currently can't see their appearance. For some reason, I don't draw my weapon, however I still rest one hand on it at my side.
"Hands-" I start, but the robber turned around.
There, standing in front of me, I saw a male with a pale face, mint green eyes, and white hair accompanied by pink tips. Still I can't recall why this person looks familiar. I clear my throat before starting to speak again.
"Put the bag down and your hands up." I demand, trying to keep myself in check.
The male doesn't to as I say, but I suddenly start to smell a highly toxic chemical. It is definitely the chemical all officers were all informed about the other day. It is illegal and can do some major damage to the body if taken repetitively.
"Y/n." The robber says with an incredulous look on his face.
I stand there in shock, wondering how this robber knows my first name. I keep my eyes glued on the robber, but I can tell my whole group is looking at me in shock as well.
I watch the robber, as he drops the bag. The second the bag hits the floor, glass crashes from inside and even more chemicals fill the air. His mint green eyes fill with agony and helplessness.
Suddenly, it hits me. The person standing less than ten steps away from me was Saeran. Choi Saeran. My only childhood friend, who was taken away from me, was now standing in front of me with a dangerous chemical radiating off of him.
'Something is horribly wrong here.'
"Saeran." I whispered, but it was so low, it was inaudible for anyone else to hear.

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*