Requested by: shinyidol
Historia Byeon (OC) by: shinyidolHistoria's POV:
As I open the door to my house, I gently set all my equipment right next to the door. Once all my stuff is inside, I close the door and walk into the kitchen.
I search through my cabinets and drawers looking for food, hoping to get rid of the horrible thoughts going in and out of my head. Both Seven and Zen go through my thoughts. I regret everything, wishing I could start this entire thing over again. I would be nice, sweet, kind. I wouldn't be as harsh and quiet to the members in person. I wouldn't flirt with Zen. I wouldn't ruin my relationship with Seven.
My thoughts start to spin out of control of things I would have done if I could go back in time and meet the RFA members for the first time again, but I'm brought back to reality when I realize I have searched my entire kitchen without a single crumb of food.
I let out a sigh. I should be with Seven at his house, looking for food with him, but instead I decided to continue flirting with Zen right in front of his eyes.
I look at the clock on the wall. It's almost dinner.
'I could go out to eat, but do I really deserve a nicely cooked meal after breaking Seven's heart like that? Whatever. A dinner out would be better than trying to make something here without anything. I'd have to go buy food than make it.'
I gather a couple things like my phone and wallet before heading out to the restaurant that is only a couple blocks away. I decide on walking, since I might be able to figure out some way to fix this situation that way.
I look up at the sky as I near the restaurant. The sky is still the same way it was right before I left for Seven's house. A bright blue sky with few clouds scattered upon it. It's warm out and both the grass and tree leaves are an alive, healthy green. The weather is quite the opposite of what I'm feeling right now. Thankfully, there aren't many cars or people around to notice how I'm feeling.
I am about to cross the last street way to get to the restaurant before I'm stopped by an unfamiliar man's voice. I turn to my left, where the voice came from, and I see who the voice belonged to. A man, definitely in his early twenties, with white hair and dyed pink tips. He looks familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. I stare at the man, confused at how he knows my name.
"Historia, right?" He asks.
I nod, skeptically.
"Good. I found you," He whispers under his breath, but I am still able to hear him. "I'm Unknown. That's what you can call me. You're RFA's newest member because you mysteriously ended up there. I'm the one who got you into the messenger."
I raise an eyebrow at Unknown, and he seems to notice it due to him pausing on his rambling of an explanation.
"Listen, I know it sounds crazy, but I have been watching you and the RFA members ever since you joined. I know about your crush on RFA's hacker, 707," Unknown says.
As Unknown mentions my crush on Seven, my mind starts to spin out of control again. Suddenly, all my thoughts from when I got home come rushing back to me.
"It's a dangerous thing, but I have a way to cure you." Unknown continues when I don't answer him.
'Maybe, he can fix this entire problem. Maybe that's what he means. He knows me, so he must be telling the truth.'

Mystic Messenger OneShots {Book 1}
FanfictionMystic Messenger OneShots ~~ Requests: Closed *I don't own any of the characters I write about. They belong to Cheritz, the Mystic Messenger creators*