Whatever Happens, I'm Here

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It. Was. Beautiful.

2 walls (parallel from each other) were turquoise, and the other 2 were black. I've always wanted at least one black wall so that I could use it as a chalkboard. It was really big too. The bed was a double with an oak headboard. The sheets were a mix of stripes of colour, like when people melt crayons onto white Bristol board to make it look cool. There was a, oh gosh, flat screen TV and bean bag chairs. If I wasn't mistaken, it was an apple TV. And in the far corner... there was another door.

Dayna saw me looking at the other door and she smirked. "Come on, you'll love this." she says leading me over. I walk right in and almost faint.

Music room. I have my own music room.

White baby grand piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, microphone... one of those recording rooms. "How did they...?" I can't finish. "They did some research... apparently, someone here is a popular youtuber." she replies, giving me a look. "Oh... I don't have that many subscribers." I scoff. She looks at me funny. "Okay... maybe a few...thousand." I try again. She picks up a laptop and goes to youtube. "Or a few... million." I sigh. She smiles triumphantly.

I walk over to the beautiful baby grand... "Try it." Dayna says. "But..." I start. "The room is sound proof. Go on." she says. I sit down, running my hand over the smooth key covers. Carefully lifting the cover to see the beautiful ivory keys.

I play the middle c. Perfectly on tune. I smile. Then I start playing the familiar chords, letting my hands flow over the keys.

Carol of the bells. My favourite.

I finish and she claps. "You are amazing... where'd you learn to play like that?" she asks. "I, um, had a foster parent at age 4 who loved to play piano and so he taught me. I've been in love ever since." I reply awkwardly. She nods.

It got a bit awkward cause nobody has anything to say. "Do... you want me to... show you?" I ask awkwardly. She nods excitedly and I smile.

I lead her over to the piano and start to show her a few things.

This. Is. Amazing.


I yawn. "I guess it's time for bed now. See you tomorrow, Dayna?" I ask. "Certainly. Good night, Lyric." And with that, she exits.

I sigh, walking over to the wardrobe and pick out a pair of pajamas. There was a soft knock at my door. "Who is it?" I call. "Dylan." comes the reply. "Come in." I allow, placing my pj's on the bed and sitting beside them.

Dylan walks in, hands in his pockets and looking like... death. "You look..." I start. "Terrible, I know. I haven't slept for about 2 days." he says. I smile. "You don't look tired at all, though." he points out. "Different time zones." I respond. "So what did you want?" I ask. "Just wanted to see how you're doing. Do you like your room?" he asks. I nod. "Good. Look, I know this'll be a bit hard to get used to, and with school coming in a few days, it'll get harder but, whatever happens, I'm here. Okay?" he says. "Okay. thanks. That's really nice of you." I compliment.

"Well goodnight." he says, awkwardly drifting back towards the door. "Goodnight... and... hey Dylan?" I call. He turns. "Yea?" he asks. "Get some sleep." I respond, smirking. "Will do." he replies, smiling back.

After he leaves, I get changed and lie down in bed, thinking about the day. I sigh. This is gonna take awhile to get used to, isn't it?

I turn over, and turn my bedside table lamp off, and no sooner was I plunged into darkness than I was asleep.

Pic of John to the side. (not in the story yet... will be soon... lawl.... sneak peek)

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