Welcome To ULTRA

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Okay guys. I'm set.

I'm standing in the middle of an alleyway waiting for their signal. John taught me how to use my telepathy and telekinesis this morning. Apparently, my teleportation is fine though.

Alright. I'm set too. You ready in 2?Steven says in my head. Ready as I'll ever be. I reply.

2 minutes.


1 minute.


30 seconds.


10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2...

Here we go. Steven says.

I nod and start to make my way towards the other end. Steven picked an alleyway with cameras placed everywhere that ULTRA apparently is constantly monitoring.

I come into view of the cameras and go into acting skills.

I keep looking around hesitantly, pretending I'm scared that something is going to come for me. Suddenly, Steven is there.

Just like we rehearsed. Here we go. His voice says in my mind.

I act horrified, backing up slowly, fake tears running down my face. "I don't want to hurt you. Come with me and you won't get hurt." he shouts. I continue backing away, fake sobbing now. Then I turn and run the other way. He appears in front of me and before I can turn around again, he grabs me and places a hand over my mouth.

I escape the same way I did in the bank, and begin to race down the alley again, almost making it, but he blocks my escape once more, grabbing me and teleporting to ULTRA.

We land in a hallway, him dragging me along, it looks rough from the outside, but he's gently talking me through it in my mind.

Almost there.

Finally he drags me into a room that has black panel walls with blue glowing from behind them. He drags me over to the table in the middle and locks me in the 'suppression cuffs'.

Great job. Jedekiah is on his way. Struggle as soon as he gets in here. He won't hurt or kill you as long as you say you know nothing.

If anyone was watching the cameras (which I know someone is) they wouldn't be able to see my nod, that's how small it was, but he seems to get the message.

30 seconds of me pretend struggling goes by until I pretend to give up.

2 more minutes goes by and finally Jedekiah walks into the room. As soon as I see him I begin to struggle again.

He smiles, sitting down at the other chair and placing his clipboard on the desk. "Thank you Steven. You are excused." he says, never leaving eye contact with me. Steven nods and walks out.

You've got this.

"So... Welcome to ULTRA, Lyric." Jedekiah smiles at me. Jerk. "It didn't feel so welcoming." I grunt back. "Well if I had known that you were coming, I would've arranged a better welcoming committee." he replies. "Doubt that." I mutter. "What was that?" he asks, not quite hearing me. "Nothing." I roll my eyes. "Get on with it." I continue.

"So I guess by now you've been filled in about everything... how so-called evil we are and stuff, correct?" he asks. "Evil? I got that you weren't nice when you got me at the bank... but I have a feeling that there's more...?" I imply that they didn't tell me anything. "They didn't tell you anything? Well that makes no sense. They're not ones for giving up on-" I cut him off. "I left. As soon as I woke up. I never wanted this. Any of this." I say, sounding aggravated.

He looks at me sympathetically. "Well, I'm sorry to be the one to inform you that you are part of this now and you don't have a choice. So... what do you know?" he asks. "Just that I have some sort of powers and you guys hunted me down... am I a superhero or something?" I ramble. He smirks, tapping his pen on the table. "Well, as you may have already figured out, you cannot use your powers in here. and no, you are not a superhero. You are a genetically enhanced human, and we call you homosuperiors... or more preferably, The Tomorrow People. I'm not one of you. You guys have 3 powers: telepathy, telekinesis...." I basically tune him out after that. I know all this stuff.

Until, finally, he says "But you are different." I look at him confused, cause I genuinely am. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You were somehow able to teleport with a suppression cuff on." he explains absently. "A suppression what?" I ask. "A suppression cuff. The bracelet you're wearing... it holds a thing called a D-chip and that will suppress your powers so that you can't use them." he continues, drifting through thoughts.

Finally, he glances down at my wrists where the cuffs are. "I wonder..." he says. Then, he looks up at me. "Try teleporting. Not anywhere far, but to that corner." he points to the corner behind me on my right. I turn and look, then I turn back to him, giving him a weird look.

"Go on." he prods. "Try."

I sigh and close my eyes, picturing the corner. After a few seconds, I feel the now-familiar tugging feeling and when it stops, I open my eyes to find that I'm standing in the corner.

I look down at my wrists and rub the area where the cuffs were just 2 seconds before.

Jedekiah is looking at me in awe. "Intriguing." he whispers.

How did I do that with suppression cuffs on?

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