She Has No Idea...

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"You must be Lyric. I'm Dayna and I'm the family housekeeper. Come in, come in, before you catch a cold." A petite woman, with red hair ushers us in. It's true though, it is quite cold for summer, or maybe it's just different climate zones getting to me. Whatever it is, it's gone now that I'm inside.

"May I take your jacket for you?" Dayna asks politely. I willingly give her my jacket and thank her. She hangs it up and comes back. "They are waiting for you in the living room. Come." she beckons. I follow, nervously tapping my fingers against my jeans to the rhythm of 'Royals' by Lorde.

We reach a big oak door and I can hear voices inside. Dayna starts to open up the door but I hesitate. What if they don't like me? She sees my hesitation and glances at me, placing a soothing hand on my shoulder. "It'll be alright. They're nice people, and they've been really willing to meet you. I'll be here the whole time." she promises. I smile down at her. "Let's do this." I whisper and she smiles, delighted. I smile back, but behind my smile, I still feel petrified.

We make our way back towards the door side by side. I pause before the door and we both look at each other. I nod. She opens the door and walks through, standing just inside the room. I stand slightly behind her (awkwardly) as we wait for every one's full attention.

I take in the people in the room. A man, the dad, with short brown hair and kind brown eyes, smile lines all across his face. A woman, the mom, with long, wavy strawberry-blonde hair and happy green eyes. And finally a boy, my age-ish with shaggy blond hair and green eyes just like his moms. They seem to be in a full fledged conversation about... polka-dotted socks? You know what... I don't even want to know. I think I'll fit in fine here...

"Ahem." Dayna says, immediately grabbing ever one's attention. "May I introduce Miss Lyric Young, your new daughter." she continues. They all stare at me for a minute. Then... "Nice to meet you Lyric. I'm Natalie, but you can call me mom, whatever you want, this is my husband Chris, he's also fine with you calling him whatever you want. And this is our son, your new brother, Dylan." says the woman, standing up and approaching me. When she finally comes to stand in front of me she looks me over and says "I love your hair! Is it dyed? It's so blonde and silky. And your eyes! They're the brightest blue I've ever seen." she exclaims making me slightly uncomfortable.

Luckily, Dylan seems to notice that I'm getting slightly awkward, and walks over to us, pulling his mom away. "Look, mom your obviously making her uncomfortable." he says, shooting me a I've-got-your-back look. I smile back, thankfully.

"Oh, right. Sorry, Lyric. Would you like to sit down?" she gestures to the couch and I nod. Silently, we make our way to the couches and Dayna exits, closing the door behind her.

"So, Lyric, tell us about yourself." Chris says. "Um, well, my name is Lyric Young and well, I grew up in about fifty million different foster homes. I love to go to the beach, ride horses and especially I love music. I know how to play the guitar, acoustic and electric, piano, and I love to sing. My favourite colour... well... it changes every day." I say, looking down at my fidgeting hands.

When I look back up, they're all looking at me with interest. "Changes every day? What's your favourite colour today?" Dylan asks. "I don't know if this counts... but tye-dye because my feelings are everywhere today... excited... nervous... anxious et cetera." I reply. "I love your accent." Natalie states. I smile. "Why thank you! I like yours too!" I say in an American accent. "Woah! That was like... perfect... how did you...?" Dylan exclaims. "Practice. Once in England, I pranked one of my new foster families that I was American... took them about 4 months to realize that I was faking." I smile.

I feel slightly more comfortable.

Hours pass, talking about random stuff about all of us, and I get more and more comfortable by the minute... I even started calling Natalie and Chris 'mom and dad'.

"... so that's how I found out." Dylan finishes his rather amusing story about how he found out his girlfriend was actually a lesbian (A/N I have nothing against lesbians, bi, or gay. personally I'm straight, but you be who you want to be, there's nothing stopping you.).

I glance at my phone. "Oh... it's getting late... I should probably..." I reach into my bag and pull out a green bottle. Meds. Ew.

"What are those?" Dad asks. I empty 2 into my hand and put them in my mouth, tilting my head back and swallowing. "Those are meds for a sleep disorder that I have." I say pointedly, and cringe at the small aftertaste that stays. "Sleep disorder?" Dylan asks. "Urm... yea. Parasomnia. Sleep terrors, which lead to sleep walking. It's okay though, it's not like I hurt people in my sleep, and I sometimes scream... I also have dyslexia... and ADHD." I say, looking down at my hands and for the first time in a few hours, feeling uncomfortable.

"What's the prescription?" Dylan asks. Pushy, much. I hand him the bottle. "Hmm... I took this about 2 years ago. Had the same problem... I'm better now though." he says giving back the bottle. "So they work?" I ask. He glances at his parents nervously and then nods.

She has noidea...

What the heck?! I just heard his voice in my head... what? Hallucinations. That's a side effect. Calm down Lyric. Breathe in, breathe out.


"I should be getting to bed." I say. "Alright, you must be extremely jetlagged. Dayna will show you to your room." Mom says, standing up. "Dayna!" she calls. Dayna comes bustling in. "Would you show Lyric to her room, please?" she asks politely. "Certainly, Natalie." Dayna says. "Come, Miss Lyric." And with that, we were off.

She led me up stairs and down a hall. Left turn once, and then right. Then, we reached a simple white wooden door. I look at her. She nods and I cautiously place my hand on the twisted silver door handle and turn it slowly. I push the door open lightly, and when the door was fully open and I could see the full room...

I gasp.

Pic of Dylan to the side

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