Land of the Living

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I didn't teleport far or anything... just wanted to get away from him.

Him. I don't even know his name.

He shall be... um... Vuldemort for now... cause, you know, Vuldemort was nicknamed 'He-who-shall-not-be-named' and I don't know this kids name... so... Vuldemort it is.

So... I hid out in my old treehouse at my old foster parents house for the night because:

1) It was always my hide-away place as a kid.

2) It was always stocked with supplies.

3) No one would ever think to look there.

4) It's actually really nice and...

5) I couldn't think of anywhere better to go.

The next morning, I get up early... before the sun rose and I walked down the streets of London, saying hi to people I may know, and stopping at Starbucks for a Cinnamon Bun Hot Cocoa.

I was just sipping the last of my cocoa when some guy bumped into me. "Watch it." I mutter. He just glares at me and keeps walking.

That's when it happens.

I'm grabbed by behind and of course I struggle but the guy who bumped into me comes back and helps.

Of course they were working together.

I continue struggling, but nothing seems to work. Finally, they force my head to the side, revealing my neck and the one who first grabbed me pulls out a syringe and stabs it into my neck.

I go dizzy and he pulls it out of my neck. I push against him, weaker now.

I hit the ground, my thoughts drifting.

John... I call out. Help...


Ok... A/N: First off, don't worry about the chapter for a minute... it continues. But I just want to pause and explain what that scene would've looked like. Go watch Sherlock on season 3 episode 1. in the sockshare file... skip ahead to about 46 mins. and 37 seconds and watch John Watson being kidnapped.


Ok... read on.


I wake up drifting.

What the heck happened?

I focus. But nothing comes back to me. OK... focus Lyric.... what happened before this?

Suddenly, it all rushes back.

Do you know how much that hurts for every single year of your life to just rush back. It's horrifying and painful.

It's over in less than a second though.

I test my wrists. As I thought. Tied.

Feet? Tied to...

Well crap. I'm in a sitting position... so obviously it's a chair.

Even worse.

That probably means interrogation.


"Welcome to the land of the living." says a voice. I'd only heard it once, but I'd recognise it anywhere.

I open my eyes and smirk. "Hey Vuldemort." I say. My voice sounds tired and lazy though.... which totally wrecks the moment.

"Vuldemort?" he asks, pulling up a chair and facing me. "Oh... I never caught your name so I just kind of nicknamed you." I shrug as best I can while tied to a chair. He nods, amused. "Dan." he replies. "And yours?" he asks casually, as though we were in a Starbucks or something and not... wherever we are...

"Oh you don't get to know mine." I smile. "Feisty one." he remarks. "I try." I say blandly.

John... help... I'm in trouble. Some crazy guy kidnapped me. I telepathically say to John.

"Who are you calling crazy, hun?" Dan asks. "Wait... you're a..." He cuts me off. "Yes. So I can hear every word you send to you're petty little friends. So be careful." he warns.

Where are you?! We've been worried sick! Steven's out searching! What happened?! John's response came.

I keep eye contact with Dan and reply. Somewhere in England. I don't know where. But he's a tomorrow person. Don't tell him my name. I like this game where he doesn't know.

Dan just smirks. "Smart."

Can't you just shove him out of your mind? John asks.

I don't feel like it at the moment. I reply.

"You can do that?" Dan asks quizzically. I shrug.

Okay... we'll find you. I promise. he says.

Don't make promises you may not be able to keep. And John...?


If anything happens... I love you.

Don't say that. his response comes.

Just... take care of Steven for me? I ask.

I promise. I love you too. I will see you again. Soon.

I cut of the conversation, sighing. "Ooh... is that a boyfriend there?" Dan prods. I roll my eyes. "My brother. Steven is my boyfriend." I reply.

"Well it doesn't matter now, hun." he says. I look at him quizzically.

You're mine.


I swear... if you ignored my other authors note earlier.... you're dead... just leave.... JOKING! I LOVE YOU! ALL OF YOU ARE AWESOME! But honestly... watch the scene.

Oh and I know it's Josh Ramsay from Marianas Trench, but this is actually how I pictured Dan. So pretend it's not Josh... and that's what Dan looks like.

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