Ugh... I Look Terrible...

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I walk down the long swirling staircase to find a full house of people, walking around with drinks, dancing and talking. All of them in as beautiful attire as me.

Yet even though they are all so... gorgeous... they all turn to stare as I walk down the stairs. I pause, and turn to glance behind me to see if they were staring at someone else behind me but... nope. No one there.

I turn back and continue my way back down the stairs, them watching my every step. When I reach the bottom, they awkwardly all turn back to their conversations and drinks.

I make my way through the crowd, searching for someone that I am really close to. Finding no one, I sigh, and sit down on the couch, next to a kinda-cute blond haired guy. "Enjoying yourself, Lyric?" he says. I glance at him. "No. Wait..." I look at him deeper. "Dylan? I didn't recognize you!" I exclaim, hugging him. For a second he seems confused and then awkwardly hugs me back. When we finally pull away he says "You look really pretty... not that you usually don't... I mean-" I cut him off. "Yea, I know. I don't really like it... It doesn't suit me." I sigh. He looks me up and down (not in a checking-out way... in a way like... ah never mind... you wouldn't understand) and agrees. "Yea... you're more of a converse and beanie sort of girl." He agrees. I smile. "Thanks." I respond.

"Hey dude. Wassup?" Russell approaches. "Russell? What are you doing here? It's not safe! Are there any more...?" Dylan exclaims. "No... I'm the only one. John sent me to... erm... discuss things for a moment." Russell sends a quick glance in my direction. "I'll be in my music room." I excuse myself. Dylan nods and I run up the stairs.

I walk into my room and glance at my clock as I pass through my room. It's already 10:30? I think I'll get changed...

I get changed into roots pants and a plain blue off-the-shoulder top and then sit on my bed, checking my phone and lying down on my back to become more comfortable. I yawn. Maybe I should just...


...close my eyes for a second.

I never finished my thought. I was asleep before I could even realize that I was drifting off.

I wake up the next morning tucked into my bed. When did that happen? Someone must have come in.

Winter break. Crap... that means that I should probably go Christmas shopping... I think I'll go to the bank first, and then to the mall.

I get up and walk into the bathroom. Ugh... I look terrible... messed up hair and slightly smeared make-up. Ew.

I hop into the shower, and let the hot water run over my still half-asleep body, revitalizing me with every passing second. I wash my hair, and then my body and then after I'm finished, I stand a few minutes more just drinking in the beautiful heat.

Finally, I get out, and get changed, brushing my hair and drying it, putting on a beanie and brushing my teeth, washing my face and then skipping downstairs and into the kitchen.

Dylan's in there on his phone and eating a bagel. "Is mom home?" I ask. "Nope." he says, not looking up. I smile, and walk over to the cupboard and taking out a cheese bagel. Cutting it in two, I place it in the toaster.

"Why do you keep saying it isn't safe for Russell?" I ask. He glances up at me then. "Competitive football teams... and as you can tell, he's quite the interesting character, and he's caused quite a bit of trouble in the neighborhood." he replies, going back to his phone. "Hmm." I say.

The bagel pops up and I put it on a plate, taking a butter knife and spreading butter all over my bagel and sitting down at the table.

I finish my bagel in silence and say "I'm going out, if anyone asks." He just nods.

I walk out and to the garage, putting converses on and a jacket and grabbing my keys. I walk to my car that they got me (that's right, they got me a car. be jealous), getting in and turning it on.

What the heck am I going to get my family for Christmas? I think, driving out and towards the bank.

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