Did I Take My Meds Today?

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I drive into the bank parking lot. Great it looks busy. Fun.

I park the car, take out the keys, check the time and then step out of the car. I grab my wallet on the way out and shut the car door. Then I sigh and make my way inside.

Inside, it has that sort of hushed feeling that you would expect in a library. I hate it when it's this quiet, I mean, I don't like loud but this is just uncomfortable. Too quiet. How do people work here? How do they stand it?

I stand in a line of people waiting for the deposit/withdrawal machine. This is going to take forever. So I do what most people would do in my situation:

I play Flappy Bird on my phone.

It's probably the stupidest game ever but who really cares?

Finally, it's my turn at the machine so I slide my phone into my pocket. I take out my wallet and find my debit card, feeding it to the machine.

That's right, be jealous, a machine just ate my debit card.

A few seconds go by and I click all the buttons on the screen:

Withdrawal or deposit? Withdrawal.

How much?

I'm about to type in how much money I want to take out when I hear a bang. 2 more bangs go off and everyone's on the ground by now, scared half to death by the sound of the gun.

And me? I'm just the awkward person standing frozen.

5 guys are at the door, 2 with guns. 4 wearing suits, one teenage guy wearing normal clothes. Wait... Isn't that Steven from school?!

The one in the middle scans the room, eyes falling on me for a moment before flicking on around. "My name is Jedekiah. I'm with the government so don't worry, we won't shoot you, we simply needed your attention. I'm looking for this guy. Have any of you seen him?" he holds up a picture of a blond haired, green eyed guy who looks to be about 27-ish.

I feel kind of freaked out because:

1) I feel like I know the guy in that picture but I've never seen him before in my life.

2) Steven, who is in the group of government-people for some reason, is staring at me hard as though he's concentrating, and

3) I'm kind of in a really weird situation.

After a minute or so, he realizes that none of us know who the guy is and he says "Alright. You may go. But if you see him, find one of us." He nods and with that, everyone scurries up and out. It isn't that easy for me as I need my debit card and money back so I quickly get that and start my way out.

In the corner of my eye, I see Steven whisper something into Jedekiah's ear and he nods. Then, he looks over to 2 of his guys and somehow they seem to understand and they make their way over to me, blocking my way.

"Sorry miss, but you can't leave yet." One states, grabbing my arm. "What? Why?" I ask as he steers me over to the teen. They hand me over to Steven who holds me firmly and whispers "I'm sorry." Then Jedekiah approaches.

"Lyric Young. It comes to my understanding that you feel as though you know this boy, correct?" he asks. "Yes. But I swear I've never seen him before in my life... and how do you know that? And my name? Can you people read minds or something?" I scoff. "Yes, actually, we can." he replies in all seriousness. He can't be serious. Sarcasm. Some people make sarcasm seem serious. "You are adopted, right? But you kept your parents last name?" he asks.

Who the heck are these people?

I'm about to answer when a voice rings out from the other side of the room. Definitely male, but I can't see him because Jedekiah is in my way.

Luckily, Jedekiah turns and walks away from me a bit so that I can see not just one, but a group of people standing across the room from us. The one in the middle of the group is the kid from the picture.

When did they get here?

Jedekiah looks over at the teen who's holding me and I swear I hear his voice say "Steven... lock and secure formation." But his mouth doesn't move.

Did I take my meds today?

I'm pretty sure I did.

But Steven, seems to hear it to and whispers another apology and brings me into a giant bear hug/neck hold thing. How the heck...?

"John. Nice to see you." Jedekiah says in a warm/cold greeting. "I said... Let. Her. Go." John says forcefully. "Aww, how cute, trying to save a puny human. Thought you hated them...?" Jedekiah comments. "You're a fool if you can't see that she's one of us." John replies with ease.

What? Are these people on crack?

No... they seem to think they're serious.

I think I like the ones on the other side of the room from me... they actually want me free. I try to go to them and when I can't move, I remember...

Crap. I'm a little bit stuck.

Think, Lyric think... how did they teach you to get out in grade 9 gym class?

"Why do you think we didn't just let her go easily? She's obviously not human." Jedekiah returns.

Okay... I swear these people are psycho...

Think Lyric!

Oh! Got it!

I cross my legs and twist downwards, escaping his grasp in 30 seconds flat and taking 2 steps away. He looks confused for a moment, and the room has gone silent and then he glances over at John, who gives him a nod.

What was that all about?

Then Steven starts toward me, I match is pace, backing up, making sure none of the 'bad guys' are behind me.

But then I hit a wall.

He hesitates and looks once more behind him at Jedekiah this time. Jedekiah reaches into his pocket and takes out a black bracelet with a glowing blue circle in the middle and tosses it to Steven who catches it with ease.

Then, he approaches me, finally reaching me and placing the bracelet around my wrist and securing it. I look down at it, and tug.

What is this thing made of?

I close my eyes, wishing that I was anywhere but here... in my house, at the park, school... heck... even across the room from here would be a start.

Suddenly, I feel a tugging sensation and the weightlessness... and then as though I'm falling... maybe they drugged me...? Can bracelets be a drug?

I open my eyes to find... I'm standing in front of John? Wait... what?

But... I was just... and now I'm...

I glance around the room, watching everyone's faces fill with surprise, and then I turn back to John, who glances at my bracelet and then at my face, his face full of confusion and surprise.

My mind is overflowing with questions and I just need to-

I start to fall, blacking out.

Good job Lyric. Now you just have to go and faint?

I feel someone grab me and I feel that weightless, tugging feeling once more before I black out.

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